
So my daughter is 10 and she wants to be put on birth control.what do i do? help!!!?

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So my daughter is 10 and she wants to be put on birth control.what do i do? help!!!?




  1. You've heard everyone else's response so I'm going to put the only other spin I can on it:  Is it possible that she just had her first sexual health class at school and is afraid of having a baby because she likes a boy?  I know I had my first s*x ed class at 10 years old at school and the boys were taken into one room and the girls in another and everything was really awkward between everyone for a week or two afterwards because everyone was processing it all.

    I think the most likely reason is hearing it from a peer or older girl.  I think there is also the possibility of her considering having s*x to fit in because it happens everywhere these days and I have no idea why except that s*x is becoming more about mainstream advertising and personal pleasure than reproduction.

    You ask what do you do?  You TALK to her!!  Simple as that.  Ask her why.  Tell her no. Explain what birth control is for!  If you're coming to Yahoo Answers to ask what to do in this situation it seems as if talking to her isn't the first instinct in these sorts of situations which leads me to believe that you haven't really discussed this sort of thing (or deep topics) until this point.

    Have a heart to heart.

  2. Sit down with her and have a chat. Does she have a really heavy flow of her period (If she's had it already) Because birth control can sometime help that. Is she actually sexually active?! Which I would be suprised! But encourage birth control then!

  3. make an agreement with her.  that if she can wait until she is 16 to even consider s*x, then birth control can maybe be an option then.  but explain to her that 10 years old is much much too young to even be considering it.  b/c you also have to think, how many 10 year old boys are there out there that are interested in s*x??  so it makes me question how old the person is that she wants to have s*x with.  also explain that birth control is not always 100%.  also let her know that you admire her for wanting to be safe but it isn't always effective in preventing pregnancy and it never prevents any form of std.  she is 10; i'd hope she would not want to walk around with something starting now she cannot cure with an asprin...

    so pretty much explain you understand the urges she is getting with the whole puberty thing and that it is normal, and letting her know that you admire her for wanting to try and be safe will let her feel good as well.  but defintely 10 is way too young and maybe making some sort of deal with her, she will maybe work with you.

  4. i can understand this.. she is being sensible because she doesnt wanna end up pregnant, but u may questions why she needs it when she is only 10 and shouldnt be having s*x anyway... talk to her about it and ask her why she wants it, she may be experiencing problems with her periods and her reasons are completely innocent..

    i think u need to talk to your doctor, who may refuse to give her any birth control at all... but if ur going to let her, use a long term version like the Implanon implant or Marena Coil...

    Your doctor will tell u which method is best..

  5. My mom and I decided to put me on birth control pills when I was about 12. The reason was because I had these really heavy periods that were very irregular, painful, and often lasted for over a week (and sometimes came twice a month). It really made me feel awful, so my mom took me to the doctor and I got the prescription.

    I really think it depends on your situation though. My mom and I are very close (best friends), and always have been, so we always felt very comfortable talking about this sort of stuff. I knew that taking the pill wasn't because I was going to have s*x, but because I needed them for other reasons. I didn't feel like all of a sudden it was ok for me to go out and party or anything like that, and my mom and I talked about it a lot.

    If she needs it for medical purposes, than go ahead and get her the pills (with doctor permission of course), but keep an open line of communication and don't be afraid to talk about it (especially as she gets older). When you talk, don't judge her though, and let her have a say too, that's what worked best for us!

    Hope this helped. Best of luck!

  6. normally i would say to do it becuase it'sbetter that if she's doing it (assuming she doesn't just want this for her period cuzat ten most girls don't get their period), at least she's protected but she's WAY too young to even be CONSIDERING something like this. have her watch videos of women giving birth and scar her for life then even if you don't get it for her she won't even think about doing it and, i'm serious here, if she seems like shes with a boy wh she might actually go through with it ban her from that boy or maybe even send her to an all girls school. at ten she should be worrying about what dress looks best on barbie

    and don't listen to other people. you are not a bad mom just becuase your daughter isn't making very bright choices. unfortunatly children are growing up really fast these days and it's not your fault tha thtis is happening. i went up to my old elementary school to visit one of my old fifth grade teachers and every girl there was dressed in the designer clothing and had makeup and straightened hair. i didn't even know what a straightener was at their age. so the point is, it's not your fault htat your daughter is deciding to already go from childhood to late teenhood when she has only been describable as a "child" (not infant or baby) for what, four years? becuase most children are stupid like this. but, if you want to be a good mom, stop it right now and prevent her from ending up like the rest of her peers will.

  7. I really think you should talk to her, and try and make her tell you what made her think of this. She might have heard something about it on TV or in a movie, or from an older friend, and thought it sounded cool. But I would also talk to her about how sexual activity at a young age can lead to a bad reputation and ruin her life even if her friends are doing it. As a teenager I'm seeing kids younger and younger becoming involved with the opposite s*x, and they think it's a lot different than you do in a few years. But the parent needs to try and make them realize this

  8. Tell her no and don't forget to talk to her about it. Let her understand why it's wrong and the consequences to it and that no matter what, you will always be there for her and correct whatever she does wrong because you love her.

  9. Is she sexually active and if so it might be best to let her be on birth control. My cousin was sexually active at that age and now she is 15 with a 2 year old boy.

    Word of warning though. I got a massive blood clot from taking birth control and was unable to walk for months and was unable to work. I was lucky that the clot didn't brake off and give me a stroke or heart attack at the age of 20!

  10. OMG My Neice is 10!! it matters is it cause a period then fine well if it's not for that tell her no your her mother and she's 10 wow my dad would of killed me and locked me in my room if i asked for birth control at that age

  11. tell her to wait, you need the pill for birth control (and if she is trying to have a baby right now i would seriously advise you to talk to her!!  lol)  or if there is gynecologicly wrong with you.  if its because her periods are irregular, tell her that they are for 2 or 3 years after she first gets it.  maybe she has seen the commericals on TV that advertise how the pill can now help with acne, bloating, irritablility, etc, and thats why she wants it....if so i would tell her to wait.

  12. well first does she want to be put on birth control because of s*x? does she even know what s*x is at the age of ten? to me i was still outside playing when I was ten. i was i think like 13 or 14 when i was put on birth control, only because periods weren't correct. but then again. you might as well be happy that she wants on it instead of going out and doing things when she thinks she's ready, and plus she is at least thinking. at ten theres a lot of stories that go around school and maybe that is why she wants on it. maybe other kids are on it.  you should at least talk to her and ask her why she wants on it.

    if anything tell her she doesn't need on it until she starts her period. if she says nothing about s*x you should tell her what birth control is used for, maybe she'll change her mind and say that boys still have cooties.

    && waight you might be a lil to uptight for a question like this. i bet your daughter isn't a good girl. esp. if you say she is. let me guess your daughter is a lil angel and everyone else's child is a s**t. i think you need to talk to your daughter too.

  13. She's only 10 years old.

    Maybe she seen on a movie or a tv show with, say a 16 year old girl asking her parents for birth control.

    She probably just thinks it's what the older girls do and looks up to them, and wants to feel older too, or more grown up and cool.

    Just talk to her about it, and she'll probably change her mind.

  14. Take her to a psychiatrist or a psycologist or some kind of counsellor.  This is truly alarming and it's an issue that you should get to the bottom of QUICK.  This is definitely one instance where you would do best to seek professional help.

  15. I would find out (quick) what the heck is going on!  Does she understand the "birds and the bees?"  Does she think (like I did at about 7), that kissing a boy could get her pregnant?  No 10-year-old should be sexually active!  Scary thought, but is this her way of telling you she's being sexually abused and she's afraid she'll get pregnant?

    Seriously...take that little girl to a doctor AND psychiatrist!!!  Something is SOOOO not right!

  16. Wow, I would say it is time to teach self control. ethics, in everyday language. if you are christian it would help to join in with a youth group at your church.  You could try to communicate your values, and the dangers to her body from STD and any other things that she is just to young to face . the emotional hurt of being left, since this is much to early  for marriage. Can you consult with your Parents, if they are available and relay their values to their Granddaughter.

    I would add swimming and gym to her classes at scholl both are good for her , and will help with this time of developlent of her body and her life.  My very best wishes for success in communications and relationship with your young girl

  17. Tell her your to young to have a baby because you havn't even learnt anything about (you know what I mean) it. You don't even have a boyfriend. I'll buy you all the dolls from the shops if you want a baby so much. And why do you want to have a baby.

  18. say she has no need for it at that age. tell her that when she is 16 years old and more mature, then you two can discuss it. but for right now, she shouldnt even think about being sexually active. hope this helps! good luck!

  19. Birth control at ten?


    obviously she's trying to tell you that she wants to, or is having s*x.

    With that in mind, I think you should do it.

    Because with or without your consent, she is probably going to have s*x. So, you might as well save her from becoming a ten year old mother.

    Don't agree?

    Try homeschooling.

  20. Number one: Find out her reasons for wanting to be on them. A friend is on them? Has she started her period and it is extremely heavy and wants help with that? Or, more importantly, is she beginning to think about having s*x? Sit down with her and have a calm, no accusations talk with her where you do most of the listening at first because this will be the basis for the rest of your communications through her teenage years. Let her know she can come to you with ANY problems without being judged and that you're just there to help. Take everything into consideration, and also consider taking her to the doctor or a counselor so she can be evaluated for her reasons behind getting on them. Most of all, no matter the outcome, don't stop loving her!

  21. OH MY GOSH.  10 years old??

    At first I didn't even know how to respond to this, because you certainly don't want her to get pregnant!!

    But it is out of the question to put her on birth control at 10 years old.  I bet social services would interfere if someone else's parent reported you.  Another parent would find out because a 10 year old would brag to friends how "cool" her mom is.

    I would take her to therapy.  I would know where she is at ALL times.  I would drive her everywhere and pick her up.  I'd check with her teachers to make sure she is in school daily.  I would CLAMP DOWN.  You can get one of those cell phones that has gps.  

    I would put her in the car and take her to an  AIDS ward in a hospital.  

    You could go beforehand and get a couple of patients to agree to see her.  Go ask for the charge nurse. Ask him/her if she/he would go in to see one or two patients that she thinks would be agreeable to it and ask them.  You can't just wander into rooms of course.  

    If the charge won't help you, get in touch with the Chaplin for the hospital and see if that works.  As awful as it sounds, the sicker the patient, the better. AIDS patients can get open wounds, etc.  

    I would take her to some sort of help center for unwed teenagers.  Show her the ones on welfare, dragging a couple of kids around.  You could maybe try the welfare office and ask if you could bring her just to observe one day.  Try to arrange for one of them to tell her how tough it is.  Nothing is more expensive than regret.

    Anything you can think of to shock her into reality would be best, in my opinion.  Forget religion and  preachers.  Although they might make sense for this problem, a 10 year old or a teenager could care less about that stuff.  

    SCARE HER straight and get her therapy.

    I hope this helps.  I'm sorry for you.

  22. Ok. This is only my opinion. You could try explaining

    to her that birth control is for people who have s*x

    and don't want to have babies or have irregular periods.

    I mean, they will teach her these things in school sooner

    than later. I only wish that my mother or father had sat

    me down and told me about these things, and all of the

    dangers that can come with it as well. Maybe try

    explaining that a medication such as this could cause

    health problems sometimes, especially if you take them

    before you need them! Maybe ask her to come to you

    and ask you again when she begins her period. Don't

    forget to let her know that she has done nothing wrong

    by asking, and that she should never be afraid to come to

    you in the future when it is time.(Period would be a good

    way to explain it I think.) She would understand, I do believe.

    Children are so much smarter than we give them credit for!

  23. i put my girls on birth control when they got their periods. only because my mother taught me nothing about the birds and the bees or anything and i got pregnant at 13 i miscarried and didn't have s*x again until i was married. that was enough birth control for me. i told my girls that they were under no uncertain circumstances to sleep with a boy until they were married and this was just so i could be sure they weren't going to get pregnant.

    but you're daughter at 10 is a little young. my girls were 12 both of them. tell her that when she is older you will consider it and ask her why she wants on birth control.

  24. counseling is necessary and so is birth control if she is menstrating.  boy would we all feel awful if the pill wasn't provided and the next question read "my daughter is 11 and pregnant!"

    please help guide her and seek counseling for her.  it's not "too late" as others have stated

  25. Birth control is dangerous for anyone.  It breaks a system that works normally.  Let her know that taking these hormones can hamper her future to have children, or have them when she wants.

    Personally I wouldn't let her out of your sight if she is already talking about this.  Teach her to say NO.

    Let her know that unless she is in a healthy adult relationship where birth control isn't necessary because you don't have to worry about the consequences, then she shouldn't even be thinking about it.

  26. If she hasn't started her period, tell her no.  If she persists, have a doctor talk to her about the effects going on birth control too early can have on her body.  If that doesn't work, have her talk to a psychiatrist to get to the root of why she so badly desires birth control at such a young age.

  27. I am not really sure what kind of response you want here... I am truly angry and disgusted! Where were you when she was being educated about the pill? Which obviously means she is sexually interested or being persuaded into something her friends are currently already involved in. Where were you when all this began?

    If I were you I would be more concerned with what, where and with whom my child is spending her time with....Perhaps you should spend some quality MOTHER/DAUGHTER time with her and if you are uncomfortable with that maybe a counselor. Planned Parenthood has excellent programs, as well as many local churches. My daughter is 15 and I have been talking to her about everything since she was 9 and today she is still a "good girl" I focused her interests into sports, school and me (family). Nothing beats a good heart to heart

  28. What in the world? No way. Talk to her and let her know that she is entirely too young to be putting hormones in her body and even THINKING about having s*x. Don't allow her to do that, unless it's a reason like her period gives her unbearable cramps and a DOCTOR suggested birth control to YOU.

  29. Whattttttttt  your in here asking this question.. good god..  shes only a baby.. and that should be the last thing on her mind at that age.. geezzzz..what about doll babies and play houses.>>>. your going to put her in alot of danger .. where did the parent skills go thesedays gezzz>>((im flabergasted.)). she needs some  Counseling along with mommy ..

  30. I hope you are not making this up, but you need to have your daughter explain to you why she wants bc. Where is Dad?  Both of you need to talk to her and find out who she is socializing with on a regular basis. I hope your baby is not sexually active at this age.

  31. what the h**l?!?! she's ****** 10 for christ's sake!!! what the h**l is wrong with you you're her mother and dont need to be if you have to ask this kind of question!! she does not need to be having s*x at her age! god! idiot!!

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