
So my dog was recently attacked by another and I want to know I did the right thing....?

by  |  earlier

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I have a teacup yorkie who was attacked and killed by a man's rott. The man tells me he is on soc sec, about to move, his dog has never done anything like that and about to have surgery and so on and so forth. I agreed to half the cost of what I asked which was his whole check. I feel guilty for even taking the man's money ,maybe b/c i am a nice and believe in karma. but i am not rich and cant afford to pay the money for another dog alone, i am truely scarred by this event and so is my other dog who now doesnt eat b/c she is lonely.

The guy truely made an effort to resolve the issue but I just want to make sure I did the right thing.




  1. i beleive you did the right thing and im sorry about your yorkie. and about your other dog u should consider getting her another lil friend :( good luck

  2. are you absolutly SURE it was A Rottweiler????? nothing more harsh then posting that if it was a rottweiler mix or something...and Um no you shouldent have taken the money......a dog is allowed one bad move in his life and that was it it was wrong bad and evil however the owner you said made efforts to help you right???? old man????? ss???? times are tough right sad tough situation.....why dont you go to a shelter???? yorkie rescue something like that?? the world is about karma and human life animal life..where does this leave that man??? and what does it do for you??? id return the money and call it a bad day...

  3. I think you should have gotten compensated a lot more. It was also really irresponsible of the man to let his dog get into a situation where he could get at and kill another dog. I would have reported the incident to the local Animal Care and Control so that they can get him to always have a leash on his dog, always be in control of his dog, possibly put a muzzle on him when out in crowded places, etc etc. If the owner doesn't shape up, he (the owner) could cause another similar incident to happen again which would be really unfortunate.

  4. First question..was anything done about the rottie, who killed your dog?...I am a firm believer in not discriminating against certain breeds, but he has shown to be aggressive..Next, why do you have to buy a dog?  There are a ton of dogs at shelters all over that are put down because people think they need to buy dogs(and yes you can find yorkies at shelters)....I wouldn't have taken money from the man, but saw to it that his dogs aggression issue was dealt with.

  5. I dont think you did.... you should have been fully compensated and you probably could have got pain and suffering.  If the guy cant afford to correct the mistakes that his dog has made by having an irresponsible owner, then the guy cant afford and shouldnt even have the dog to begin with.

    Just think... how would you have handled it if it was your toddler and not a dog.  Then when you have brushed off the issue like you did?

  6. That was really nice of you, i think you did more then your part.  

  7. You started out right! Did you set up a payment CONTRACT with him for the balance of what you needed? That way, you get payment enough to buy another dog, and he's not put into a terrible financial bind, and he learns a good lesson about keeping his dog under control.

  8. Maybe he was giving you a sob story to get out of paying damages? It's a possibility.

  9. i think you should tell the guy to use the money you nocked off the bill and have him take his dog through a very intense training program.

  10. I have an aggressive dog (I wasn't her owner when she was young and her previous owners did not socialize her). My dog is under my control at all times, because I know that if something goes wrong, it's MY fault, not hers.

    Owners of big dogs, even ones that are usually friendly, should know that they are responsible for their dog's actions. That's just the way it is. A big dog can do a lot more damage then a little one, even if their aggressive streak is the same size.

    Personally, I probably would have done the same as you in your position, but logically, it was his fault for not controlling his dog.

    When it comes down to it, there is no right or wrong answer as far as this goes. The other side of the coin is that tea-cups are fragile dogs, but have no sense of their size. They don't know they are small dogs, and he might have provoked the big guy. I have seen quite a few small dogs (not saying your dog is one) with lots of bad manors, because owners are unwilling to correct a behavior that, in a dog that size is just a nuisance, but would be dangerous in a bigger dog)

    I would say this though:if you just want a companion for your other dog, don't worry about getting a purebred dog. Get a puppy from the local shelter. If you aren't up to training a new puppy now, you might find an older small dog that will get along with your other one, and he/she is likely already house trained.  

  11. helll yahh!! jus buy another dog but if they wus relly close ten yew buy another dog yur current alive dog will jus ignore it or be a ***** tat the dog is

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