
So my ex's birthday is coming up soon..?

by Guest32241  |  earlier

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im pregnant with our baby, but he told me he wants nothing to do with the baby and has another girlfriend. hes pretty serious and its been months since we talked.. but actually he texted me randomly a few nights ago saying my life is sooo good now dont bring it (the baby) around me. but his birthday is coming up.. do you think i should call him up or text him or say anything. im trying not to be mean to him in hopes when the baby comes h**l want to be around the babe... any advice




  1. Leave him alone (with the exception of collecting child support). You are acting desperate. The relationship that the two of you had is over, and you need to accept that and focus on the future.

  2. Sad situation and I understand where you are coming from but why do you want a guy around who does not want to be around?  Concentrate on you and your baby.  Don't call, text or any other contact with him if he is going to treat you this way.  When the baby comes just file for child support it will be his obligation then.  You cannot force a child on anyone who does not or is not ready to be responsible.  You do not want your child around a man who has not regards but for himself.  In the future use protection for the safety of yourself and your child.

  3. He's a jerk, and you and your baby are better off without him. Honestly, it's hard to hear and accept, but you just need to get over him, leave him out of your life, and sue for child support. Because even if he's not going to be emotionally involved, it's his job to support or help support the child he helped make. I know what you're going through, though. My ex just got a new girlfriend, and he has decided he doesn't want anything to do with our son. But in the long run, I know my son will be better off without that negative influence.

  4. Ask yourself some questions. Why do you want to call him? What are your reasons? Do you really think he'll come back? Really? After what he has already said and done about you and your baby?

    The long and short of it: No. He won't come back. I'm sorry but that is the reality. False hope will set you up for a huge loss, and that will cause you stress that you do not need at this point in time (or ever).

    Instead, consider working on your relationship with yourself and your child. Eat good things. Sleep well. Read. Paint your toes. Do what you need to do to feed mind and body and let the loser go.

  5. DON'T CALL HIM!! He left you when you were/are pregnant with his baby and wants nothing to do with the baby!! Why would you call him? Leave him alone, get child support, and hope in the future he will want to come around, but don't contact him. Let him contact you to take care of his baby.

  6. honey. make sure you get child support after the baby is born. because the way hes acting it doesnt seem hes going to be a father to your child. i know it seems hard with out him, but its easier than having an a** putting you down all the time around you and your child. hes a horrible person, i think the only thing you should do as a gift for him is not put him on the birth certificate. look you can make it on your own, obviously your not ment for eachother, and god help any girl thats ever with that jerk. you should move on. i know easier than it is, but think of whats best for you and baby, hes just going to constantly bring heart ache to your little amily. dont let him. be strong for you and your child and just move on. and when your baby gets older, and he/she wants to know their real daddy, you can give them the info. make sure he pays child support or gives up his rights completely. but its all up to you. just thought to give you some advice that might help. i hope it did. and congratulations a your precious little angel .

  7. Hello!!!! he's made it clear he wants nothing to do with you or his baby.

    And you think contacting him on his birthday is going to change him and his mind?

    Wake up from La La Land and smell the coffee chicky! He's made his choice and basically rubbed your face in it by texting you to let you know AGAIN that that choice is not you or your child.

    I suggest you celebrate his birthday by getting together all the paperwork you are going to need to file to get child support from his inconsiderate behind.

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