
So my girlfriend wants to be a vegitarian, she wants me to as well...?

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My biggest problem is that i still like meat, and i know that its pretty hard to get all the nutrients from meat elsewhere... what do i say/do? like, i dont wanna hurt her feelings but she wants to do it because she thinks the animals are being treated badly and that its wrong to kill an animal for food. Any advice?




  1. You should SUPPORT her, but BE YOURSELF.  

    If a chick can't understand that you need to make your own choices, and be yourself, she's just not what you need, man.  You don't want to BECOME HER, and you don't have to hold all the same oppinions to be together.  She needs to understand that.  

    I'm sorry that some other girls have told you that you should do it.  You should only do it if YOU WANT to, and by WANT TO I mean, if you think it's how you want to live your life- NOT because you know "it will make her happy".  Be a man, make your own choice, but support her in her choice as well.  

    Of course you can get the nutrients you need by not eating meat, but even though it's unpopular to say, it's TRUE that humans are NOT MEANT to be vegitarian.  Humans were built to be omnivores, and to be the healthiest you can be, that's what you need to do.  If you're just wanting to be healthy, cut out the McDonalds and all that c**p...  if you're doing it to be nice to the fuzzy-wuzzy's...  that's cute, but at what cost to your body?  Some people do very well as vegitarians, but it takes some serious dedication and knowledge to remain healthy on a diet like that.  

    Animals are bread to be food.  If you want to remain a carnivore, but you also want to support her the best you can, perhaps you can be an advocate for the humane treatment of animals.  That sounds like a good way to compromise.  You'll be supporting, helping and getting what you want as well.

  2. It's not hard to get your proteins from beans (especially soybeans are high in protein).

    You have to make your own political descision.

    Whether you believe that all animals are treated horribly before ending up in the meat-counter, or you don't.

    Whether you believe it's important to reduce your personal CO2-emission by not eating red meat, or you don't.

    Whether you believe it's healthier to avoid red meats, or you don't.

    Even if you decide to support your girlfriend's descision, and also that you will continue eating some meat, when you're not around her, you will definately get healthier from it. :)

  3. Let her do as she pleases.  Your diet is up to you.  I'd suggest you at least try for a while, and see how it goes.  That way you don't hurt her feelings.  Say, for example, you commit to being a vegetarian for 90 days or something.  Then, if you like it, great, and if you don't, at least you can say you tried.

    And you're completely misinformed about nutrients.  Millions of vegetarians the world over get all their nutrients and are perfectly healthy.

  4. I'm a vegan for animal rights, if YOU don't want to do it, i don't think it will last. If you don' t think you can do it, I would just eat alot of veggie burgers, etc. and support her, but still eat meat if you want to. Just not around her.

    Good luck!!!!

  5. dude it is sooo cute that you are so concerned about your girlfriends feelings but being a vegetarian is a personal decision and if you think that it is a good personal choice for you then great but if not do not just do it because your girlfriend wants you to. Have a talk with her goodluck I hope you work everything out

  6. i wanted to become a vegetarian when i first starting learning about the meat industry. i told my boyfriend a few things that i learned and he became a vegetarian with me, which i really liked. he lasted about a month and felt bad about eating meat again because he didn't want to disapoint me, but i didn't want him to do something he really didn't want to so he stopped. im still a vegetarian and im glad my boyfriend at least gave it a try. you could try for a couple weeks or even just start eating some vegetarian meals with your girlfriend.

  7. Sorry, but I'd dump her if she persists.  I don't date vegetarians anymore because I like to cook for my girlfriends.  Meat eaters should date meat eaters and veggies should date veggies unless they are OK with each others diet choices.

    The middle ground is that you won't eat meat in front of her, but some veggies say they can smell death on your breath....

  8. I can certainly understand her thinking, but if you don't want to give up the meat, she shouldn't force you to do it. If it's a relationship breaker for her then you have to decide what's more important to you...eating meat or being with her and will that be a decision you can live with?

  9. you shouldnt do what your not ready for you can still support her but she shouldnt force her views onto you thats wrong if she wants a person who is vegetarian then she shgo find someone else to date seriously she shouldnt be pushy

  10.'s not hard to get nutrients without meat.  Do your research and support her decision.

  11. That's a personal decision. If you don't want to become a vegetarian then don't.

  12. Well, tell her you understand how she feels. Maybe you guys could compromise, like cut out only certain meat, like red meat. Or have meat only on a certain day. But yeah, you guys need to make sure you still get the nutrients and protien you need. You could get vegetarian cookbooks, etc. I myself only eat chicken (i know, kinda strange :P) because i hate the idea of killing animals, but i still need protien. just talk about it and see if you guys come to an agreement that both of you are happy with :D

    good luck

  13. Lets clear some doubts of the people who think that one should not eat animal flesh and would stick to eating plants, as consuming flesh is a sin.

    All animals which are herbivores (like goat, cow, sheep, etc) have bovine (flat) teeth while carnivores (lion, cheetah, hyena, leopard, etc) have canine (pointed) teeth. Human beings are the only species having both kinds of teeth. Also, nature has designed herbivores in such a way that their stomach can only digest plants while carnivores can only digest flesh, but human stomach on the other hand can digest both. So if we analyze this thing then even God wants human beings to be omnivores by eating plants as well as flesh.

    People commit an error saying that, “Killing animals and eating their flesh is a sin”. Scientific studies have proved that plants have life, even they cry when we cut/pluck them, but our ears can’t hear their cry because it’s not in the frequency range of 20 Hertz to 20,000 Hertz which a human ear can hear. Dogs have the hearing range upto 40,000 Hertz, hence a whistle which is known as dog whistle, if blown by a man, can only be heard by a dog as the frequency of sound ranges between 20 kHz to 40 KHz. Elephants communicate within their group using the low frequency infrasonic sound waves. Hence, it might be convincing now that plants do cry.

    Secondly, scientific research has proved that even plants have senses, but two less, i.e. 3 as compared to human beings. This fact does not implicate that killing a plant is a less sin than killing an animal because it has only 3 senses. Take for an example, if a child is born deaf and dumb, and someone kills him, would the court of law say that it’s a less offense because the child had only 3 senses? h**l no, all the more the sin would be greater as the child was totally innocent. If we talk about the sin, a bigger one is when people (including all the plant eaters) do leather business by killing large mass of animals.

    Not a single person on this earth can leave this world by not committing a single sin. It depends on the psychology of people and parameters on which they judge right and wrong. For an instance, joining hands and saying Namaste, say to an opposite s*x, is a way of greeting in India and shows modesty because you have not touched the girl anywhere on her body, shaking hands is a way of greeting for the second country, hugging for the third country, kissing for the fourth and likewise it goes on.

    The earth was initially considered to be one single large mass of land. Slowly and slowly, due to the change in the conditions like temperature, pressure, humidity, etc, this one large mass of land started to shrink and separate, now only 30% of the earth is covered with land and the rest 70% with water. Irrespective of the fact that how less land is available for vegetation and other living beings, the requirement of food never gets depleted. The reproduction of animals (dogs, cow, goat, sheep, etc.) is very fast and if they are not consumed, they’ll soon going to be in excess, it is required to kill them for maintaining a balance in the nature.

  14. wouldn't hurt to TRY.  something new for the two of you to explore together.  and if you think you need flesh THAT bad - have when you are not around her, at least until you are comfortable with only plant-based diet.  am a veggie and a Mom - raised 4 very large football playing sons & two daughters all veggie all grown & still veggie.  it can be done and done healthy, it is a bit of work to if you will "re-learn" to eat.  like it said it won't hurt....might even feel good - aaaah come on and give it a try  :)  a veggie Mom

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