
So my horse is kinda weird...?

by Guest66748  |  earlier

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Yesterday, I was out on a hack with my horse and he spooked at a butterfly. Yes, a butterfly.

One of my other horses adjusts the way he walks to the beat of songs we have playing in the arena. If the beat is fast, he'll want to walk really fast. If it's a ballad, he'll go down to a slow walk.

What other weird and wacky things do your equines do?




  1. I used to have a horse that didn't like letters or logos on jumps. He would stop at jumps with letters. I remember one brush box in particular had letters on one side, but not the other. He would jump it from the blank side, but would not go near it from the lettered side.

    He got over it eventually, but it was really weird.

  2. My horse keeps an eye out for low branches and protruding bushes on the trail and makes sure he gets as close to them as possible in case he can manage to smack me on the head or leg with something.  He also insists on rubbing his head up and down my torso as soon as I get off him.

  3. I have a 6 year old gelding that spooks at almost nothing. Pheasants, rabbits and coyotes can jump in front of him and cars and tractors won't phase him. Just walk near a corn field and he won't walk on the same side of the road with it there. He stays nervous until we get past it. Nothing else you can do bothers him. He form some reason doesn't like corn fields.

  4. well my haflinger doesnt spook THAT bad at tractors but, first time i rode her when i bought her, she spooked at a flower pot and pasted lots of tractors and trailers etc. she hates cows.but doesnt even spook at children doing wheelies and banging sticks everywhere.

    my other pony spooks really bad at other horses in fields. haaa.

    i cant think of the really funny things they do, grrr.

  5. Ha Ha your horse spooked at a butterfly!!!!!! (not trying to be rude but that is weird!) i don't have a horse but i have rode a horse that dose a weird head thing!

  6. well my horse spooks at the stupidest things. i was riding in an indoor arena and it was literally a downpour outside and the rain coming down on the metal roof is extremely loud. well i was on her and she saw the rain outside and just very very calmly walked around as i told her to. then a week later i was riding and we were going to the far end of the ring where there was a drip in the ceiling and spooked really bad and whiped her whole body around and cantered all the way to the front of the arena. ughh i reallllly wasnt ready for it so it felt horrible and its a BIG arena.

  7. My horse used to be terrified of things with wheels - wheelbarrows, bicycles, baby strollers, etc. One time we blew a flat class b/c she wouldn't go near one side of the ring where there was a stroller! (She has since then conquered her fear of wheels for the most part :))

    We also used to have a horse boarded at the barn who loved to play with his halter and lead during turnout. He would rear up and spin it over his head like a lasso. One time, there was a broken board on the fence and he pulled off half of it (4 ft) and carried it around. We called him Bob the Builder for a long time after that :)

  8. My gelding likes to pick up his feed pan (you know, those black rubber ones you put grain in) and carry it around.  He will chase the mares with it, hitting them on the butt.  And he'll do it for like half an hour straight until the girls are ready to kill him or until the accidentally throws it over the fence as he is throwing it around.

    Yet he doesn't play with the Jolly Ball I got him...

    EDIT:  Glad you got a kick out of it.  It's even funnier to watch.  I wish I had a video camera...☺

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