
So my little brother it's addicted to this game! What can I do?

by  |  earlier

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Well my brother he's 15 and I'm kind of worried because ever since he started this dumb online role playing game he''s been so addicted to it! I think the name it's Gladius or something But it's amazing because he plays for like 4-6 hours straight none stop, He doesn't want to hang out with me or do anything I ask him! I keep on telling him to stop but he doesn't listen!

He also plays from 11:00-4:00 then takes a break then puts it back from 9:00-2:00 A.M. What can I do I tried everything! and he doesn't listen I'm getting worried for him give me advice please! and





  1. Make fun of him!

    Ask him why doesn't he just get a part-time job and a girlfriend. :)

  2. Unfortunately, your parents will have more pull than you do... and you need to spell it out for them...

    Your brother is addicted and withdrawn from the world.

    He needs to be involved in sports or other real social activities so he will not become a 30 year-old lump of stinky blubber sitting on the sofa playing these friggin' video games.

    They need to take action.

  3. Holy c**p. Block the site immediatly and get him to go outside. Those games ruin peoples lives. Like this one dude died on that game so he killed himself. It is NOT healthy

  4. listen very carefully, this is valuable info here.. do everything you can to make sure that he doesen't play the game, lock up the computer, break it(really wouldn't recommend that very much) whatever it takes bc it has become like a god to him he worships it and the behavior needs to stop period. trust me, been there done that and i only just turned 14. best of luck

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