
So my mom chews gum she does it around certain people and I think its disgusting. She isn't a teenager!

by Guest61490  |  earlier

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She is 50 and I think its rude I would never chew gum when meeting new people or when planning on having a conversation. I don't have a problem with her chewing the gum but chomping on it while conversing is just gross. I don't know anyone that does this and she never did before its a recent thing. Am I wrong or should I bring it up? Maybe I could ask her not to chew gum around me? I feel foolish but I'm embarrassed by this behavior.




  1. Maybe she is trying to have fresh breath. Isn't that why most people chew? Is there an age restriction?  

  2. oh, so gum is restricted to teens only, is it? yes, she could be chewing for fresh breath...and really, be glad that she doesn't do anything worse..

  3. Would you rather she have a cigarette hanging out her mouth?  There's really no problem with her chewing gum, even if she is talking to people.  My dad actually habitually chews gum, and to be honest, I never gave it two thoughts until now.  Even now, I'm still not bothered by it.

  4. There is no age limit for gum chewing.

    Some people like it better then mints

  5. I chew gum because I don't produce enough saliva otherwise and get thirsty very quickly. It also makes eating a difficult, dry task. I also can't say long sentences...

  6. Chewing gum is really gross, chewing gum I hate the most.

    Sorry, I love 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'.

    Yeah, sure. My sister can't stand it either so our Mam doesn't chew gum around her or they'll be h**l to pay.....

  7. There are worst things she can do besides chew gum. Let her be. Everybody chews gum.  

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