
So my mom got implants?

by  |  earlier

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she asked me to feel them to see what i thought of them, I felt awkward doing this, but they're not actually PART of her. So I felt them and they felt good. Is this weird?




  1. Nope, that is not weird at all.  So many people are so up-tight about the human body... they need to lighten up.

  2. Strange thing for your mom to ask of you. No wonder you felt awkwrd.

    Move on and forget about it.

  3. Get ready to go into therapy, young man. Your going to be there for a loonnngg time.  

  4. uh yeah, big time.  Start saving up for therapy.

  5. dude your sick and so is your mom! thats gross  

  6. yes because u said they felt good. dont post things like this

  7. she prob thought you would have questions so she was just giving you a chance to ask. talk to her about it... and them. shes ur mom and she luvs you.

  8. LOL!!!!!

  9. no tell me your addy and I will give her a 2nd opinion

  10. You're putting us on arent't you? I thought so...

  11. that is strange.

  12. h**l ya

    i would love to hear from the girls how this would not be like your dad asking you to touch him

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