
So my question is if USPS delivers packages on Sundays and if not, if there anyway I can get my book on Sunday

by Guest21353  |  earlier

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Okay. So I really want to read my Breaking Dawn book which I ordered in March. Today is August 2st and on Amazon it says that it was shipped out on August 1st at 10:30 PM, location is Forest Park IL, and the carrier is USPS (United States Postal Service). Tomorrow happens to be a Sunday and I really want my book to come before I go to camp which is on Monday at 8:30. So my question is if USPS delivers packages on Sundays and if not, if there anyway I can get my book on Sunday?




  1. No, the Post Office doesn't work on Sunday, so you are SOL.  If you really want it that badly, you could go to a brick and mortar store (ie Barnes and Noble) and see if they have any left (and if you don't mind buying it twice and wasting money).

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