
So my son just now informed me that he needs an astronaut costume for a play at school tomorrow!?

by  |  earlier

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Any ideas for what to use? I don't have any time! I don't understand why kids wait til the last minute to do this stuff!!!




  1. you should just tell him that you don't have time to go out and buy coustume and you can try to make one but it might not be the best one

  2. Wow.  The teacher should have sent something home with the children.  Do they not pin notes to children's shirts anymore?  An entire play has been planned out and the teacher never once thought to send out "reminders"?  Anyway, the only quick fix I can think of is lots of tin-foil and paper bags.  I'm sure you can figure out something.

  3. HAHA, dont you love that mine do that to with lunch money or book report.

    Good luck with this one.

  4. If you have scissors, needle and thread and a white sheet, Astronaut suits are white. Cut a quick oversized coverall out of a sheet And put some white sheet over a backpack for the spacewalk look. Any large helmet will work ,cover it in white, hopefully it has a face shield for effect. Shouldn't take long to whip up if you have the stuff around the house. Good Luck.

  5. Our teachers have become well trained to send home emails as well as the stuff that comes home in the packet each day or week.

    I'm with the foil and paper bags answer.  This is tough love, here, but ... you embarrass the poor kid a few times, and maybe they will get a little more proactive about warning us about these surprises.  (or most likely he is a little guy, and he will not be embarrassed, but just tickled that you supported him in this :) )

    Baking cookies or buying juice at the last minute is one thing, but making a costume... Good luck with that one!!

  6. white set suit anda fish bowl helment he holds at his side

  7. Get like grey sweatpants, and something, and use a fishbowl for his helmet haha

    I don't know :[

  8. You could use a grey sweat suit or white and boots if they are old and dirty and you are willing to trash them you could spray paint them silver. For the helmet you could use a box and aluminum foil. OH and dont forget gloves!

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