
So no one cares about the Mercury in CFL's getting into the water table!?

by  |  earlier

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Well I tried to warn you. This is your planet and if you do not care about it and your fate; why should I? I most likely will not live long enough to see it take place. As for swordfish have mercury in it: that is true, and were do you think the swordfish got the mercury from. Gobal Pollution that's were!




  1. I CARE!

    I agree, we should pay attention to what we release into water.

    If it was up to me, anyone polluting water would be imprisoned.

    Water is the greatest treasure we have to support our life.

    Isn't it great we get to use it as a dump yard!

    But then again, this doesn't belong in the space section.

  2. Get a grip!

    There were metals in the environment long before we got here,

    and there will be metals in the environment long after we're gone.

  3. This is the astronomy form, not the environment form.

  4. hold on a second.

    its good you've researched your mercury in CFLs, but have you bothered researching how much mercury is released into the AIR, WATER and GROUND from coal producing plants?

    today, its about 15 tons a year from a single plant.

    "coal-fired power plants are the largest remaining source of human-generated mercury emissions in the United States,"

    1 bulb contains about 5 mg

    907184740 mg in 1 ton


    181,436,948 cfls bulbs make 1 ton of mercury (if not recycled)

    and so that would take 2,721,554,220 bulbs just to equal the mercury output of 1 law abiding coal producing plant.

    the US has about 600 coal plants

    so, to match that US citizens would have to crack and throw away 1,632,932,532,000 (a trillion and a half) CFL bulbs a YEAR just to be considered worse than all the coal burning plants in the united states. (there aren't that many CFLs in the world yet)

    the idea is that CFLs, cut down on how much coal is burned thusly cutting the total amount of mercury the plants create.

    I hope this sets things straight with you and that you understand pointing fingers at CFLs will not solve anything.

    understanding the TRUTH will.

    Gobal Pollution is definity a serious problem though

    oh here's a good idea

    water that burns when microwaved

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