
So nonbelievers will be thrown into h**l?

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to burn for eternity... but like the other comedian said, how can God let them burn in h**l for eternity when he loves them so much? It's just puzzling




  1. I must protest, I dislike hot weather and sure that my soul will dislike the heat as much as my physical body. So, the mystic version of the north pole would be nice, including polar bears and penguins. Can I purchase a ticket in advance. Need to dig out my soul snow boots.


    but some who are fighting with Satan AGainst God will get burned up in the future war!!!

  3. No god

    No h**l

    No burning

  4. it is not his will that any man should perish he gave you to ability to choose. He will respect what you choose. He loves you so he provided a way for you, to escape h**l. But it is your choice.

    I love my child and have told her right from wrong, but if she chooses wrong then she will have to suffer the consquences of her actions.

    God loves us the same way.

  5. God gave us free will. As for the nonbelievers is their own choice. I'm saying that because i'm not going to be judgmental.  

  6. Many religions do not believe in a burning h**l.  Rather, they believe in the person's soul being dead.  Almost all religions believe that only their believer's will be saved from some bad eternal fate.  There has only one Christian who came back after death and not much was said about h**l.

  7. if god was as loving and merciful as his followers proclaim, h**l wouldnt exist.

  8. Prepare for a flood of tolerant Christian answers...

  9. Well, there are a few options here.

    One, god isn't as merciful as we thought.

    Two, belief doesn't matter to god, as long as you were good.

    Three, god/h**l/heaven don't exist.

    I'm leaning with #3.

  10. If you are in rebellion to God, unrepentant, disbelieving, mocking, then what should He do with you? Invite you in for tea?

  11. Yes, it's a contradiction.  One of many that I've come across from those delusional people.  So sad...

  12. Hi, well God didn't want it either. Yet, Adam and EVE ate of the tree of knowledge. Making us like Gods-Knowing good and evil. Due to this if u know good and DECIDE  to do bad then u have to suffer the consequences.

    Now, look at God. He didn't have to allow Jesus to come down and die for the sins we commit. Jesus came down and died for YOUR sins and he didn't do it simply because it just doesn't seem fair. Everyone has a chance to choose God and if they don't then h**l's their consequence. If God liked it he wouldn't have sent Jesus. It breaks God's heart everytime he even sees when someone goes to h**l. Yet,  u had that chance u know? That's why I try to reach as many peoples lives as I can because h**l is REAL!! and I wish something would click in other people's minds to know how much that decision matters.

  13. because God gives us a choice, its called free will, all you have to do is ask jesus to come into your heart, forgive your sins that u beleive he died and rose again and beleive he is the son of god, sounds crazy or to ritualistic? but it is what it is your choice, do u choose god and eternity in heaven or satan and eternity in h**l, no one can decide for u but u i will pray 4 u just try it i promise if your life doesnt change for the better u have nothing to lose and u can decide to go back to satan i know u wont though come on ask jesus in he will come

  14. STOP IT NOW!

  15. Simple - there is no h**l and no one is going to burn.  

  16. Heres another thing to think about...Fire is a physical element but our souls are spiritual supposedly.  So our spiritual bodies will be tortured for all eternity with a physical pain.  How can people believe this bullshiit?

  17. God loves people who have a chance at redemption.  Once someone dies in sin, they have no more chance.  God's love has ended for them.

  18. The Bible says that h**l is thrown in h**l, so is death thrown onto h**l? How do you throw death(a thing) and h**l (a place) into h**l? How does death (a thing) die a second death? How does h**l (a place) die a second death? How do you take all these places and things and throw them into a lake of fire? Rev 20:14

    And you thought you was confused?

    And what are you going to do with all of the people that are in this so called h**l, when the Bible say's at John 5:28,29 in the last day's they are going to be resurrected, the good and the bad alike? I guess God is going to take them out of heaven, and take them out of h**l, put them back in their graves, resurrect them, then tell all the good ones to go back to heaven, and all the bad ones to go back to h**l??

    And your confused?

    Sounds like religion got some splaining to do Lucy??

    Eph 4:5; John 17:3; Acts 15:14; Psalms 83:18; Rev 21:3,4

  19. Let's say I told a room full of people that there was a million dollars outside the door of the room for everyone who walked through the door within the next 10 minutes. Let's say that only some people believed me and went through the door to collect the money. Who's to blame for those who doubted me and didn't walk through the door? Not me. I made the money available to everyone. They chose to not go through the door.

    Its the same thing with God. All sin must be punished. That is fair, we'd all agree. God offered to forgive anyone who believes that they are a sinner and offer their sins up to Jesus. Is it God's fault if some people don't believe Him and end up dying with sins that are unpaid for? No its not. The door to heaven is open and available to everyone. But each person has to make their own choice to walk through that door. Sadly, the majority won't.

    Hope that helps.  

  20. Christians don't need logic or rationality, they "have faith".

  21. h**l is real weather you accept it or not.  Jesus love's you and if you reject it then you get escorted to the hot place.

  22. God loves you BUT he also believes in justice. All sin is equal to God. It doesn't matter if you steal a pen or rape and murder someone. We all deserve eternal h**l for it, BUT God loves us so much that he provided a way to be made clean so we can get into Heaven. Call on Jesus.

    God sends NO ONE to h**l. You send YOURSELF if you refuse to convert to Christianity.

  23. Define love.

    Non believers will only be burned if they are incorrect, not to mention that he is all forgiving...

  24. Yes, the buy-bull makes no logical sense.

  25. "thrown into h**l?" "believers," REALIZE That JESUS Paid the price to save them from; Death or fire; when he went to the:***CROSS! ***

    [ John  3:12 If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?]

    [ 2Ch 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land!_]

    [ Joh 3:17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

    Joh 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

    Joh 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were: "EVIL!"_]

  26. Since h**l, heaven, god, and satan don't exist, who gonna love me?

  27. We don't want to see nonbelievers persish but the creator God said in his word he really doesn't want to see you perish either.

    2 Pet 3:9 - The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is long suffering to us-ward, NOT WILLING that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

    See here's what most people fail to understand about Christianity. It doesn't matter how good you think you are living. You have done something wrong. You have sinned. Since you have sinned you are guilty. Since you're guilty a good judge must judge. However, your lawyer is Jesus Christ

    (1 John 1:21), thru him you can obtain grace and mercy. You must believe in him, stop living in sin or contrary to God, confess Christ is Lord, be baptized in his name for the remission of sins and the Lord will add you to his Church family. Be faithful until death and you can avoid the wrath that's prepared for the devil and his angels, it's not meant for you.

    God Bless.........

  28. If you associate partners with Allah, your future is hellfire.

  29. Who said that? U-tube??

    Please find out the facts first....

    For example:

    Anonymous Christian is the controversial concept by the theologian Karl Rahner (1904 - 1984) that declares that people who have never heard the Christian Gospel or even rejected it might be saved through Christ.

    Best regards.

  30. nope - they will walk there willingly with eyes wide open

    NO ONE has to ge to h**l!

    Eze 33:11 Say unto them, [As] I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die?

  31. Its funny how the biggest majority of people who have ever lived are non christian. That means there's a whole lotta people outside them pearly gates or in h**l even.

    The ancient greeks and egyptians didnt even get the option to believe in feckin jesus h christ. What a conundrum.

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