
So not even some major conservatives think Palin should be the VP, now how's that happen?

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While the applause for Palin among conservatives has been loud and long, there are prominent, articulate dissenters, including columnist Jonah Goldberg; former counsel to d**k Cheney Shannen Coffin; National Review senior editors Rick Brookhiser and Ramesh Ponnuru; and former Bush speechwriter and columnist David Frum.

"McCain's supporters argue that he is more serious about national security than Barack Obama. But the selection of Sarah Palin invites the question: How serious can he be if he would place such a neophyte second in line to the presidency?" Frum asks. "So this is the future of the Republican party you are looking at: a future in which national security has bumped down the list of priorities behind abortion politics, gender politics, and energy politics. Ms. Palin is a bold pick, and probably a shrewd one. It's not nearly so clear that she is a responsible pick, or a wise one."




  1. Doubtful.. Repubs love her.. Stop being scared and jealous.

  2. Number 1: Who cares what the writers think.

    Number 2: I would think Cheney's people would be afraid of a whistle-blower like Palin.

  3. Wow a Dem quoting an extreme right wing source. It is about America and what is best for her. Not which extreme, left or right, agrees.

  4. I think this proves that John McCain might do anything to win, even put someone who shouldn't be anywhere near the presidency on the ticket. Lets be honest people, If Sarah was Steve and everything was the same politically then we wouldn't have heard from Alaska this election season, especially with the investigation into alleged Abuses of power by Palin. And to undecided voters(Who should look elsewhere for meaningful info), Lets face it, John McCain is an old man he will be the oldest president inaugarated into office ever, he has a 3,000 page medical history, so he isn't very Healthy and could die at any moment. So he decides the best person to lead the country during tumultous times is a woman who was govenor for less than 2 years of a state 1/5 the population of Chicago, and before that was a Mayor of a town of 6,000. She isn't ready to lead, and this pick throws John McCain's Judgement into question.  

  5. Your examples are 4 NEO-cons.  Of course they are not going to like Palin.  

  6. For the same reason a lot od Democrates thouhgt Hilary should have been on Obamas ticket instead of Biden.

    It wasn't their call. A lot of the politicians are afraid of Palin, but it is not because she isn't capable it's because they know where she stands on pork barrel and dirty politics.

  7. What will happen now is that Gov. Palin will become the next V.P. of the United States. unlike obomatrons we don't all think alike.

  8. No matter how I look at it, it seems really stupid.

  9. The bottom line is there are a lot of lobbyists and large corporations that are outraged that they have been funneling money and influence to the wrong people.

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