
So now bristol palin IS pregnant ?

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according to this news report from yahoo.. something about this whole story smells BAD! poor kid. anyone else think this is off somehow?




  1. Yes, and it does seem to conflict with the previous rumor. But if untrue, it still raises questions about the irresponsibility of Palin's activities surrounding the birth of her fifth child (after her bag of waters broke, she not only delivered a half hour speech in Texas, but also took an eight hour plane flight to Alaska, with stopover, and still went on to her regional hospital instead of the well equipped urban one in Anchorage). Pretty high-risk behavior for an experienced 44 year old mom.

  2. This is so flippin funny! If anyone had to write a black comedy movie script about the elections this would be it!

  3. Yes, and it's outrageous that Palin would throw her teen daughter to the media wolves in the name of ego and ambition. What kind of a mother does that? Palin knew when she accepted McCain's offer that her daughter was pregnant. She should have put family first and rejected him. Unbelievable!  I could care less that the girl is pregnant but I do care that a mother could be so uncaring and selfish.

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