
So now petfinder has puppymills, BYBs and other people who just want money at the dogs expense?

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while I was walking my dogs, I met a woman who is a reputable breeder of collies (she also works with collie rescues). She asked me what 1 of my dogs were and tried to help me figure out what mixes he could be made up of. She was very knowledgeable about it one of the questions she asked to help determine what breeds was where I got him from. I answered he was rescued from a puppymill in VA, and taken to my area by a foster. He was listed on petfinder.

She asked me how much I paid. I told her $250. She shook her head, and told me ever since Animal Planet purchased, there have been all sorts of scams...rescue organizations and fosters that are NOT legitimate, but are really people who buy puppies and dogs from puppymills then sell them under FALSE rescue titles.

I believe that's what happened with my dog because when I got him, first the "foster" had kept him strictly outdoors and he was in a f***s covered fenced lawn. Second, he was sick. He was anemic and had been on several medications and she gave him to me while he was still very ill and just finished the last of the medication that day.

She didn't bother about making sure I neutered him either.

Can you guys believe that with everything else, now petfinder is too a source of dog abusers? what are your thoughts about this please?

The woman I met told me she had just gotten petfinder to take down a fake collie "rescue".




  1. Your information comes as no surprise to me. What exactly do you expect to find on the internet if you are not researching purebred dogs and responsible breeders?

    You are better off going to a local shelter. At least you know that even if the dog came from a puppymill or BYB, they won't see a cent for it. The shelter charges the adoption fee and keeps it.

    I never understood the whole petfinder concept....they have too many dogs that are not from registered kennels, etc.

  2. It's not too surprising...there are scams everywhere now days. I think that for the most part; pet finder is legitimate as are the rescues listed with them. I found Loki on petfinder, but he was at our local shelter. All rescues that I've spoken with or been in contact with do not adopt out sick/ill dogs, do not adopt out dogs that are not currently spayed or neutered, and are extremely choosy in who they allow to adopt their animals. No one scamming would care that much. You still rescued your dog; you took him out of that horrible f***s infested environment and got him well again (not to mention all the training you've done with him). :)

    Edit: I still think petfinder is an amazing tool, but people need to be "smarter" than the bogus BYB rescues; so that they can make informed decisions about who they are "rescuing" their animals from. There are many red flags to watch out for; hopefully many people have learned from this website what they are if they don't already know.

  3. that is why if you haven't heard of the rescue or the adoption fee seems obsured then I won't adopt I mean if the dog has  had health problems I can understand there was this "rescue" that wanted like 500 for a purebred adoption I also was going to adopt this cat from a petfinder rescue and she told me the cat was my, signed contract mailed it to her and she calls me later saying she was giving the cat to her granddaughter. I threatened to take her to court....even talked to some lawyers, she emails me back with this S****y excuse saying she did nothing illegal and she can refuse service.. for one thing she didn't refuse she went back on a legal order to refuse she would have had to talk to me or come out and then decide for one reason or another that she doesn't want to adopt, she had no problem adopting to me and even told me I can adopt another cat (before i sent lawsuit papers) I had lawyers tell me this, luckily i found gizmo who is much sweeter, decided for his sake not to sue. you really have to watch any site even adoption site.

  4. Yeah I've used petfnde twice. Once to find a missing cat and another time to adopt out a stray I rescued.

    Never again. I got SO much spam it was ridiculous.

  5. It is a very small portion on petfinder that are dishonest. The 'red flag' is when the adoption fee is high and the pet is not altered..The greedy will always infiltrate good works. It doesn't mean that the whole organization is bad.( just as trolls find their way to this forum)

    By far, most of the postings are legitimate.

    I use it to see what dogs are available in my surrounding region. However, it is a part of my job with an animal welfare organization, to know legitimate shelters and rescues.

  6. Thanks for the heads up.  I didn't know petfinder had been sold.

    In my area I have noticed a lot of new rescues have been popping up and people will inquire about the organization before doing business with them.  Seems like you had to rescue your dog from the supposed sad.

  7. I've never used petfinder, but it is really disturbing to think that people like you are trying to do the right thing by rescuing dogs - and it's a big scam.

    I'd be pretty p off'd about that... but it's not your fault in anyway and you shouldn't feel bad.

    Maybe everyone who wants a rescue will just have to go straight to the refuges. Even getting the word out by this question might help people realise.

    People making money off abused animals....great hey!!

  8. I think Petfinder, like all good meaning sites, has some fake rescuers and BYB like many other good sites. They can slip in just as easily as anyone else. Do not discard the good these sites have done because of the few creeps that slipped in. Try to find the bad ones on the site and report them. Believe me if a enough people complain about fakes and dog dealers on a site, the site will suspend their account. I have complained on different sites and the bad guys I could find where suspended. Heck, there was one breeder, or whatever he called himself, that was using pictures of my dogs to sell his' husband was in the background of the picture!

  9. I can't believe that!!  Although I trust my shelter (not mine, the one we got Jasmine from), that is still unbelievable!!  I will have to keep a close eye out.

  10. In today's world, its not surprising. For the puppy mills, that's cutting out the middle man (pet stores). Why pay them to carry and handle the dogs until they are sold when you can go directly to the customer?

    Honestly, if I'm going through a rescue I ONLY go through one that I've worked with, or a fellow worker or trainer has worked with. I have met unsavory "rescue" groups in my time, and its taught me that you can't really trust anyone anymore.

    Thats also why I don't list on petfinder for my rescues. People find ME and talk to ME in person. Not the other way around. The internet is too open for me.

  11. There are some scams on Petfinder..  not all of the rescues are scams.. most are legit.

    There was one listing on there a few months ago for "crested puppies"..  the pics of the pups in the listing actually belonged to a friend of mine who bred those pups!  The "rescue" stole the pics off her wesbite and used them to make a petfinder listing!

    There is a "rescue" in CA that deals with mostly giant breeds, and some small breeds that is actually a puppy miller.

    You really have to be careful when using petfinder..  there are some scam artists on there!

  12. Call the SPCA about the organization you got the dog from.  That's really sick.  More dogs need to be rescued from that organization, but by seizure, not by selling.  Animal Planet's involved with this???

  13. **Hangs head and cries** There's just no limit to what the greedy will do.  So sad.

  14. I have collies and I show them. I unfortunately know that what you are saying is true. I do know of a few BYB and quote rescue people who do buy from the puppy mill type people and put them on pet finder. They usually sell their puppies for about $250-$300, intact. They tell them that they are buying the puppies from the commercial breeders to save them from a life in a puppy mill. It is a bunch of garbage. Trust me they are making money at it. I know this for a fact. People are buying these puppies from all over. They are spending money, sometimes as much or more as they are paying for the puppy to have it shipped, or the people drive from other states to pick up the puppy. They think they are doing this good deed in getting a rescue and what they are doing is putting money in the dog brokers pockets.

    So if anyone wants to get a rescue then go to your shelter or call planned pethood. Then you know you are really getting a rescue.

  15. Wow. I had no idea! I'm starting a AmStaff Rescue, and put my info on a few weeks ago. Thx for the warning! Although, I guess it doesn't surprise me.

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