
So now we can blame feinting spells on Global warming?

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Just a funny little story but at a speech where the Gov Schwarzenegger was attending, a young boy passes out, you can see it in this video.

The boy blamed "global warming".

It was 61 degrees with 64% humidity in Sacramento that day.

So not only did "Global warming" kill the loch Ness Monster(, it also makes little boys feint...

Any one else find all this funny?




  1. We can also blame these things as well:

  2. when the next ice age sets in, global warming will be to blame...  (thanks a lot, day after tomorrow)

  3. ..I think jello is the cause of global warming...really, I don't know , I really believe it's a natural cycle of earth...and by the do you know the puppy was already dead...?

    I sure hope it was...!

  4. After the liberals,press, and greens found out how easy it was to get the average citizen to accept the theory, they knew they could say just about anything, no matter how ridiculous. They bank on the fact that most people will not take the time to seek out a dissenting view, despite the wealth of information that could easily accessed on the web. Although, sometimes I have to laugh at the ridiculousness of this debate, I also think what they were able to do with their propaganda is very serious and quite alarming. I've lost a lot of faith in the future of this world because of it. It's scary to think of what they'll come up with next.

  5. that means: the boy fainting is actually Pres. Bush's fault, right?

  6. Yea forget all them Male enhancement pills you see on TV also, I "got bigger" because of Global Warming.

  7. These days EVERYTHING is being blamed on "global warming".  I've read that there were more field goals kicked in the NFL last year because of "global warming".

    If you notice, "global warming" is blamed for things that already happened.  

    The "experts" tell us that the computer models can accurately map the past climate, yet they can't tell us what the climate will be this summer.

    I wonder why people flock to this BS.

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