
So obama didn't agree with the surge, he says political changes played the biggest role in reducing the violen

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ce in iraq, but he is suggesting a surge in afgahnastan. why not go the political route that he was suggesting for iraq, especially when this is the major factor he is creiding for the success?




  1. His foreign policy deficiency is already showing!  He knows nothing about winning a war and will ruin us!

  2. Afghanistan was always the root of the problem. We took our eyes from there, and Osama has been rebuilding. His plan was to always draw down Iraq and but more focus on the source.

  3. Obama doesnt know which end of the tube the round comes out of.

    He knows zippo on military affairs or any other affairs, has only been in the Senate for 3 years, he knows zippo

  4. Did you know we hired local malitias in Iraq, to stop shooting at us and start shooting at Al Qaeda. We convinced them that we could be out of thier hair sooner if shiia and sunni, would rid thier country of Al Qaeda. I dont want to take anything from my fellow brothern who fight over there, but all this talk about the surge working is bull c**p. If the surge included paying shiaa and sunnis to be on our side, and have a cease fire then yes it worked well. But we would have had to continue fighting all three, if it wasnt for diplomatic negotiations between the locals.

    Now Afganistan is a different story, we shall see what plays out with this one, i just happen to know for a fact that a surge of troops aint what stopped the fighting, dont think we beat the Iraqis into submission. How arrogant, and those Iraqi insurgeants was Iraqi patriots, fighting off an invasion of thier country.

    Again i knock no soilder for doing your duty, but this crooked administration needs to pay for thier crimes against humanity.

    I'm with Obama on this one, the surge was a bad idea..

  5. Afghanistan is a NATO run operation and NOT a U.S. one and it has been said that more troops were needed in there but has not been done by the other allies, Germany and France to name two of the problem countries, and Senator Obama has NOT been up to date on this but hey what does he know about it!

    All of the groups in Iraq have worked together and all agree that the surge HAS worked there and the political problem is getting better not worse like a senator from Ill. is saying!

    Senator Obama is in charge of a sub committee in the senate on foreign affairs and has NOT held ONE hearing on how to solve the problems in Afghanistan!

    Go figure on how he would solve ANY problems in the world then.

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