
So.........once the election is over, regardless of who wins?

by  |  earlier

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what will everyone talk about? I am kinda new here but some have obviously been here awhile since they have LOTS of points. So what do you discuss in politics and elections when its not an election year? What will we hash out and argue over when November is over?




  1. Good question!  Well, the right will slam the left and the left will slam the right.  The ones who are less extreme will discuss the economy, the war, how our country is going, what policies we agree or disagree with, how we think the current administration is doing, health insurance and any other subject that someone deems interesting enough to post a question about.  Welcome!

  2. we'll discuss the problems in this country as it seems there's always going to be them lol weird question star for you :]

  3. We'll go back to gas prices and the war.

  4. They will start talking about laws being passed i guess.  

  5. How in the h**l we can pay off the national debt left by Bush!

  6. Republicrats will continue to blame each other for problems caused by Republicrats.

  7. about decisions being made at the white house, gas prices, what the president is doing, people will argue about why the person who wins shouldn't have won, and make jokes about him.  

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