
So republicans are anticommunist and claim Russia to be a evil empire but...?

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Remember the incident with G Bush and the journalist he had convicted for reporting?

The whole right was for this action!

The same with the constant telephone and internet surveilance of millions of people?

Plus lying to people, conducting secret wars, telling people it is more important to be safe then have freedom?

Everything bad about the KGBush administration is everything bad about communism?

Russia right now is interested in enviromentalism, becoming a greener nation, they attended a anti nuclear weapons demonstration the usa did not even bother to attend, they realy push the idea of privacy. Thats why they try hard to keep e companies like yahoo! and others who violate our privacy to suit their needs at a drop of the hat.

Plus tuition is waay cheaper.

Is the USA becoming more like a fascist, omniauthority, haven for old men trying to make a buck?

A media that lies to us, that the majority believe even though they almost never quote sources and only show pictures???

It`s like a total 360. Remember Etrea? The USA gave out food and Russia gave out guns? Is it turning into a invitation to the opposites? Now its China gives out guns, the usa pays off your politicians to take your resources or you get bombed, while Russia... wait a sec.. saved their own people from terrorism in Georgia. Oh and this time a priminister of Canada with no balls! It is good Russia is atleast trying to have some kind of concience, what do you think?




  1. Hey, no worries - elect McCain so we can get more civil liberties stripped while he modifies the constitution to resemble a church flyer.

    He has crashed and burned, a campaign in shambles.

  2. Hey ranter. If you want people to really read your stuff be brief. If you can't get your point across in a short paragraph it doesn't belong here.

  3. I agree, we need to pick our fights better.

  4. I've studied Soviet-Russian political, economic, and foreign/intelligence affairs for 25 years.  I studied Russian at Moscow State University and have been to the former Soviet Union 5 times, traveling across half of Russia.  

    Your ideas on Russia are ignorant and suck.  If you think it is so great, why don't you go and live there?  

    Edit: I'm a liar?  OK, what part of the following was I lying about?  Let's see.  Back in 1983 when I was 13 I read Alexei Myagkov's book "Inside the KGB" while on a trip to Canada.  Later in 1989 I got immersed in Anatoliy Golitsyn when I read his book "New Lies for Old".  From 1983 until the present I have followed Soviet/Russian international and intelligence affairs.  In 2000 I decided to study Russian at Moscow State University and in 2001 went from Moscow to Irkutsk in central Asia.  I also visited Ukraine three times, a country ethnically tied to Russia which, since the Chernobyl disaster, has vastly modernized its nuclear industry (you can see a line of the Westernized power plants dotting the horizon in Kiev).  Sorry about your environmentalism there.

    I'm no Bush Republican.  The 4th Amendment has surpassed the 10th as the most often violated in the United States (the feds just violate the 10th with Social Security, environmentalism, education regulations, and the like, but the 4th gets violated every time a bag gets searched by a federal officer at the airports).  But I don't want to see police checking people's documents daily on the streets, picking out people at random.  I don't want to see federal officers with M-16's stopping innocent Americans as they pass maybe from Utah into Nevada.  I don't want to see officers in Washington out on foot in the middle of an intersection randomly directing cars to be pulled over and searched.  I saw all of this in Russia.  It happened every day.  It happened to me.  It happened to foreigners and Russians alike.  And if you make any judgment that this is nothing compared to what Bush has done with prisoners labeled terrorists, notice I haven't said anything of what goes on in Russian prisons.  They imported slave labor from North Korea just a few years ago.  

    You know nothing about Russia.  As for the link below, it was a general signature link for people to get to know better what is going on in this country and the world.

    --a truly anti-communist Republican

  5. Go back to your basement and keep your delusional paranoidal fantasies to yourself. Loser.

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