
So scared. Couldn't stop thinking. ABOUT A HAIRCUT?!?

by  |  earlier

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I don't get it, I'm soooo scared. I've been through 7 bad hair cuts that screwed up alot of things and it got me really depressed.

So now I really really know what I want, I've even pinned up my hair to make it look like it.. but I'm so scared to even go there. I'm afraid they mess everything up again and it'd be like dejabu... ):?




  1. Maybe you should try a new place to get your haircut

    or you could go to someone you know and trust and ask them to cut your hair for you.

    And even tho your scared just try to beleive that they won't mess it up this time and get ur worries off your shoulders until the haircut

    also tell the hair dresser your worried about it (it'll make her try harder)

    Good Luck with your haircut

  2. Maybe you should go to a different haircut place if they keep on messing you up so many time's cause I would get mad.


  4. Well i just got a real kool hair cut a few weeks ago at costcutters but the person i like the best moved...but she works at high matenas now so you can find her there. but what ever you do dont go to a hair school to get it done they will s***w it up.  Lo9ve Kayla. ♥

  5. Maybe it something more you are scared about besides the haircut. Something psychological. Maybe you should see what deep down inside, that you are really scared of.  

  6. you could always ut it yourself.

    and plus, if they did mess it up, you can most likely think of a way to make it super cute.

  7. try to cut it by ur self ....once i did and it worked

    pleaze answer mine

  8. go to a different salon and just GO FOR IT. it'll be fine.

  9. Cut it yourself. Like I do.

  10. Lol dejabu...

    If you've already got this one down to exactly what you want, then no problem, go for it! If it doesn't work, find a stylish hat or something to wear for a while until your hair grows back a bit or find a different better style if the original idea doesn't work. It happens to me almost every time I get a hair cut. I'd also suggest maybe going to a different salon, to figure out which one you like best and which hair stylist is for you. Good luck, and don't stress over it too much, remember that you're your own worst critic, and no one else is going to care or notice all of the little "flaws" or something that you feel just doesn't look right, and unless it looks just hideous, which I doubt, nobody will judge either. It's all in your head.

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