
So scared about FRESHMAN YEAR!!!!!?

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I'm starting high school in a week, and I'm totally freaked out! I have so many fears, and I just can't calm my nerves. How can I make Student Council even though I barely know anyone? How am I supposed to get up the nerve to talk to people I don't know? How will I ever become confident enough to not be in my BFF's shadow, and be my own person? How do I get good grades, while attemting at being social, and still finding "me" time? All these questions have been in the back of my mind all summer, and now I feel like I'm drowning in fear!!!! Any advice for a nervous wall flower starting high school?




  1. just do ur best and stay true to urself no matter what!! theres so much temptation for dumb things and things tht wont last so dont fall in2 a trap! ust focus on ur work

  2. I don't know how big your school is or if you go to a school that combines multiple middle schools into one high school or whatever, but at my school high school really isn't that much different at all. the only difference is your classes aren't completely just kids in your grade. but i go to a very small school district.

    but your best friend is at your school, right? so why should you worry about having to talk to people you don't know? if you are really uncomfortable with it, just don't. you still have your middle school friends so don't worry about making new ones if thats too far out of your comfort level at first.

    I think the biggest mistake freshmen make is thinking that the answer to getting 'used' to high school is hanging with the 'bad crowd' of upperclassmen. so many girls walk into high school their freshman year and then a month later lose their virginity to some guy who they think is cool or whatever, when the truth is that if they were SO cool, they could be with a girl in their own grade. the types of guys who go after the freshmen are usually NOT respected by the upperclassmen. so please don't make that mistake just cause it can really hurt your self esteam and stuff.

    but in terms of normal social interactions like friendships and dealing with classes and stuff, it's not a huge difference. you should be alright. i know another kid told you not to ask for directions, but if you went to my school i would say you should definitely feel free to ask someone. nobody would be mean to you except maybe a few random jerks but if you chose someone who looks like a nice kid they would probably be a nice kid. or just ask a teacher. =]

  3. You poor poor girl. Questions and uncertainty cause fear and anxiety. You've been lost in your own mind.

    First stop asking questions. Second breath deep and focus on your own mind. What is causing my fear?

    Continue to focus on becoming student council, and search the internet, read books, do whatever it takes. You will find the answers to all your struggles you will face if you have faith and press on.

    Being social is just as important if not more important than getting good grades all around. Interpersonal skills are so important. Treat the place as your lab experiment. Accept that you will fail many times, and also accept that if you continue you will eventually succeed and find your answer. You will go through times when you are alone, and you will go through times when you are showered with love. All forms, situations, things, come and go. Don't be attached to any one place. Enjoy yourself. Think of how many opportunities you can find in school. If you don't have a dream, get dreaming, and look for how what you learn fits into your dream.

    I posted a brief how to on studying:;...

    Enjoy yourself, have fun, think positive, think about what you are going to get, think about how you are going to get it. Relax ! :) good luck

    Make sense of this, and this will bring yourself back to the surface. The four frames of reference is what to focus on. Chain them and don't let that beast of nervousness and incertitude loose.

  4. be calm ,relax, take a deep breath talk to someone during class

    u will realized it more easier than u thought

    join club or social activity

    if you are still nervous think about your first day at middle school how hard was it back then????

  5. dont worry you'll get through it. mine was last year. WHAT EVER YOU DO! DONT ask any1 for directions! in my school they send you the wrong way ALL the time. and talking to new people will just come to you. just do your best for grades. if you're a good student you'll get through it easy

  6. wow i think your over reacting, everything will be fined. a lot of freshmen start the same as you so you wont feel alone. everything will be fine and you will get use to it. just be yourself and feel comfortable on the friendships you will have.

  7. i think im more freaked out than you are i dont know any one going to my high school!

  8. relax, being a freshmen can be a little scary but its not. it was awesome. just start talking to people about anything. ask them if its their first day or ask them how they like the highschool. just ask for advice from the kids at school. talk to other freshmen b/c they are prolly nervous to, but there is nothing to be nervous about. its the same as starting a new grade, tho its just a new place so it seems scary. just relax, nothing to worry about. and you will do fine, its not hard to get in student council and you will have plenty of 'me' time. your grades will be fine, they dont suffer from you being social, unless you dont do your school work. my advice is just RELAX its going to be ok. just randomly go up to people in class or in the hall or at lunch and just start talking. good luck, and enjoy your time in highschool b/c before you know it, it will be over.

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