
So scared!!?

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I am going to Six Flags Great America for my best friends birthday and I don't want to ruin it. I am terrified to death of roller coasters!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They freak me out! I always feel like I am going to puke before, but then I have fun. I have never been on one as intense as six flags. How should I get over my fear, what are some good ones to go on? Please comfort me and rationalize this! Helpp




  1. Work it out!!! or if you are so scared you must tell your friend,a friend must others feelings...."No worries be happy"!!Go and enjoy!

  2. Buy one of those DVDs where the camera is set in the first car of various rollercoasters. You can get over your fear in the safety of your living room.

  3. If you go on the Six Flags website, you might be able to look at a webcam. (I've never tried for Six flags, but that's how it is for other amusement parks.) That way you'll know what all the  roller coasters look like and you'll be prepared.

  4. well i have never been to six flags. BUT i DID have the same problem as you. I went to bucsh gardens with my school and me and my best friends were walking around and we came to a HUGE crazy rollercoaster. I stayed back while they rode it then they came out and literally dragged me onto the ride. I was like crying but when it started it wasent that bad. But before you go on the roller coaster mentally prepare yourself for it. Take in deeeeep breathes. IT REALLY HELPS. and dont freak out. HOPE THIS HELPED! ;]

  5. get on the scarriest one, forget about it, its not scarry

  6. Ok.  They have 12 roller coasters there.

    The kiddie rides that aren't scary at all are,

    Spacely's Sprocket Rockets a little coaster

    Dark Knight don't let the effects and darkness fool you.  This is a little ride with sharp turns and very easy drops.

    Ragin Cajin', this is like the Dark Knight only it is outdoors and it spins.  If spinnig bothers you then don't go on it.  If you can handle spinning it will be a very easy ride.

    All of those are rated from around 1 to 3.

    These rides are family rides with a little thrill. They are rated from around 4 to 6.

    Whizzer, is a family ride that just goes in and out of the forest at low speeds with low drops.

    Viper, is a very popular wooden coaster with around a 90 foot drop.

    American Eagle is big wooden roller coaster that has 2 tracks that race each other.  It has a 140 foot drop but the rest of the ride is nothing.

    Demon is a looping roller coaster that doesn't have big drops and is very slow but it goes upside down 4 times.

    Now these rides are small thrill rides.  They are slow and stay off big drops but they do go upside down and they don't have you sitting normally.  THey are rated from around 6 to 8.

    Iron wolf is a small roller coaster with only 2 loops but you are standing up.

    Batman, isn't a very fast ride but you go upside down 5 times through very quick tight loops.  You are also below the track and your feet are dangling but you don't even notice it.  Don't let that scare you.  You are too busy focusing on the ride you don't even notice it.

    Superman is a slow ride but it goes pretty high and you are flying.  It is kind of freaky flying but the ride is very quick.  You go upside down twice and you don't go fast.

    These are the extreme rides rated from around 8 to 10.  They don't go upside down but the have big drops and high speeds.  They are also very smooth, popular, and enjoyable.

    Vertical Velocity launches you at around 70 mph with your feet dangling.  Then you go up a twisting spike of 150 feet.  You then go back down backwards, through the station and up a straight spike.  You then go back down a repeat the

    cycle a few times.  

    Raging Bull is the biggest ride in the park.  you climb up a little over 200 feet to then go back down under ground.  You do many other big hills and overbanked turns.  The ride is also around 80 mph.

  7. for me I usually always had to get on the scary ones to get over my fears....then I always liked them soooo much I went again and again.  :)

  8. I was at Six Flags America last week. Go on Superman Ride of Steel, its the best ride there!

  9. I have been in one of the roller coasters 'The batman'

    It was scary, but no i haven't been scared for my first roller coaster ride. i think the best one to ride is the car roller coaster because you can hold yourself on a pole, but remember alway  Hold yourself on something and put yourself hard. please dont go to on a chair roller coaster.

  10. if you have mocyion sickness get a magnet braclet and it helps a lot i went to 6 flags Elich gardends in denver, co and my friend is just like you and she had to braclet and it helped a lot

  11. •Roller coasters are not to be afraid of.  They are built so people can have fun!!! My old friend daniel was scared like you, and I made him ride a roller coaster, and now he absolutely loves them!  Hope this helps.•

  12. Don't guess I am the right person to answer this  but...I am also terrified on roller coasters and refuse to ride them.  I always get a kick out of sitting on a bench and watching the terrified looks on the riders faces.  Offer to be the "photographer" of the others riding.  I never found it a problem to be the one who doesn't enjoy being terrified. Your true friends will understand. Everyone is afraid of something!

  13. Dude, I was just like you until a couple of days ago. B4 I didn't even go on the hulk coaster in Islands of adventures. But then I said to my self when i was at six flags new england that I just need to do it. How many oppurtunities will I get? so i went on mind eraser, batman, and the scariest thing ive done my life:superman ride of steel. Now I look back and say d**n I shood have gone on hulk cus its not that bad.

  14. I'm the same way. I think superman is my favorite, it's a smooth ride. don't go on raging bull first, it drops your stomach so bad. The new dark night coaster is just a mouse-like ride that jerks you around a little but doesn't drop you too much.

  15. Just sit out.

    I went to Islands of Adventure (a roller coastersque theme park in Orlando) with my friend a while ago for her birthday, and I sat out on the rides, which kept her from going on them.

    I felt bad, but we still had fun!

    Make sure your friend is aware you don't like going on those rides before you go, so things aren't totally awkward.

  16. sounds like you should get over your fears.

    and hey,

    after you get cake and ice-cream right?

    its scary at first yes, but you said you have fun!

  17. the viper wont make you puke, I was the same way  there and well I didn't want to go on any because of the drop but they barely have a drop.  and it have the loops but you canlt feel the loop.

  18. I know how you feel, I am terrified about roller coasters too. The only advice I have is to do it for your friend. If you half to puke then puke. The ride will be over in a few minutes. Sometimes you can make a joke about your fear and make your friends laugh instead of being annoyed by your fear. They invited you for a reason. Try your best and if you can have fun.

  19. Just Go On The 1 He/she Goes On Nothing To Be Scared Off Just Close Your Eyes And Off You Gooooooo!
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