
So some scientists don't believe in God, so what single natural or cosmic event would cause you to say?

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"Well we are all dead"


"This is going to be the end of the human race"




  1. Looking at the planet Jupiter when it suddenly starts to collapse and then saying 'oh my god, it's full of Jerry Garcias!'

  2. God is real!  Our own technology will be what is used to destroy humanity along with natural disasters and many signs and wonders from God Himself. This will happen soon since 2012 is just the revealing of the antichrist at the midpoint of the 7 year period Jews and Christians call the Tribulation.

    Get saved and repent now while you still can!


  3. This is a meaningless question. Aside from the fact that I can't imagine anything reasonably likely to bring about the end of the human race any time in the near future, I don't see what God or belief in God has to do with it.

  4. Right now, all people live on or near Earth so anything that would make Earth unliveable could wipe us out.  A hostile alien invasion, a really big collision, a nuclear war, and many other disasters are among the possibilities.  That's why I really think we should consider a permanent self sustaining colony on the moon.  

  5. The initial retina-melting flash of a hydrogen bomb would be a sure bet.

  6. Our sun going supernova would be a good one.

    Someone launching a nuclear missile would also be one, since everyone else will join the party for one last great big atomic orgy.

    Which god, out of interest?

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