
So some sophomore went into labor today in my lunch....?

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whats your opinion on that,.




  1. why wasn't she on maternity leave?? WTF?????? im sitting here trying to eat my lunch while this fast tale heifer's amino fluid is on the effin' floor!!!!

  2. OMG! think u werent hungry anymore hah?

  3. whats the floor show for tomorrow?

  4. that sucks shes so young at least she was still going to school an hopefully isnt gunna be a drop-out

  5. haha what kind of moron would start the school year knowing they're about to go into labour.

    I'm all for education but come on!

    I'm interested to know how you and everyone else reacted. haha...jeez.

    I'm a sophomore in college and can say I have never experienced that, most pregnant girls drop out.

  6. appetizing...

  7. woow

  8. oh god...thats sad

    and its scary too

  9. wow

  10. where is the girls mother during this ??

  11. I hope she and her baby are doing good. Where is the father during this, men  

  12. i have's not the first and it will not be the last. whining about it wont stop it from happening.

  13. oh geez. Another teen pregnancy...

  14. haha no really that's sad on soo many levels :(

  15. yumm....

    naw. id be laughing sooo hard.

    like WTF?!?!

    yeaa i guess im not used to that kinda stuff....

    feel bad fer those parents...

  16. Afterbirth sighting while eating meat sauce and spaghetti....not good.

    Seriously I think it's so sad. Kids are having s*x way too soon these days. Her future will be hindered by this, not saying she is doomed to fail, but her road is much bumpier now.  

  17. I think it's sad

  18. The only thing that comes to mind is....uh, can you say CONDOMS????

  19. The placenta is considered a delicacy in some cultures but it doesn't go well with PB & J.  Sounds messy.  Meg

    Wow.  She must have been pregnant!  Neen

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