
So spoilers work asymmetrically with rudders? ailerons? elevators?

by  |  earlier

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that was a question in an exam it was multiple choice which is the correct answer?




  1. Spoilers degrade lift.  Originally, Spoilers were used to reduce lift for rapid decent..  Asymmetrical operation would induce roll.  Therefore it seems they would operate in conjunction with aileron control.  (Rudders and elevators control, yaw and pitch respectively.)

    This is a section of the 727 manual, describes both ground and flight spoiler operation.

  2. spoilers are tied in with ailerons  and activated by degree of aileron input. ex. left bank turn ,  right aileron down , left aileron up ,left flight spoiler up.

  3. if my memory is still good this time its the ailerons, remember as you move the control column the aileron moves and more control column movement the spoilers follow in the opposite direction. there is a term there I forgot but the cable drum in the spoiler quadrant follows after a certain aileron movement.

  4. yeah i had that same question!!!

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