
So stay at home joe as some called him beat hopkins in vegas?

by  |  earlier

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wheres the respect now then? hes an unbeaten champion for over a decade,hes beaten the best in the world and incidently has now fought as many times abroad as hopkins has.




  1. I can give Calzaghe a little more respect now that he beat hopkins but not too much. I dont wanna use B-hops age as a factor so I wont. The reason being is the fashion in which he won the fight , he didnt look impressive in there against hopkins at all. Yeah a win is a win but he didnt look good winning and barely was able to win the fight. I expected Calzaghe to do a lot more in there especialy since hopkins wasnt doing all that much punching. Maybe he was too weary of counter punches and maybe thats all hopkins was waiting for was to counter. Regardless this win should raise Joe's stock a bit but had he looked better in there would have raised it a lot more. He still needs more names cause technicaly hopkins was his first real .. legimate named fighter he beat. Hopkins is still a much better/accomplished fighter than Joe so he has his work cut out for him still if he wants to become a true legend.

  2. Calzaghe would have stopped Hopkins if that fight is in England. Hopkins wouldn't have been granted phony time outs on fake low blows right when he was tired and Calzaghe was dominating him. Calzaghe won the last 11 rounds. Even the knockdown was fake. It was a good punch, but Calzaghe doesn't go down without the shove.

  3. Ur talkin about he Joe Calzage (bad spelling i know) fight in the early hours of this morning...who won????????

  4. not hey didn tell him that because he was losing they told him it for motivation to get another round as enzo knew it would be a hard to score so wanted as many rounds as possible

  5. Joe Calzaghe didn't need to beat Hopkins to prove he is the better fighter.

    1. Hopkins was not the best light heavyweight in the world - he's just a blown up middleweight, and in my opinion the ring belt for the best fighter in the division deservedly now belongs to Calzaghe.  In my eyes and I'm sure in many others the belt might as well have been vacant because the light heavy weight division hadn't any good champions until Calzaghe came along anyway.

    2. I looked at Hopkins and Calzaghe's records before the fight and they have both only beaten about 4 or 5 credible opponents in their careers so Hopkins (The Executioner - what a laugh!!!) had no right saying that he has better names on his record than Calzaghe.  If you look back through the years at Champions who have defended their titles many times, their times as champ were littered with no hopers and journeyman fighters so Joe or Hopkins are no better or worse than champions that have gone before.

    Joe was not fighting a living legend as Hopkins was claiming before the fight.  There was only one legend in the ring last night and he deservedly won.  Hopkins is not the only person to have seen crime and spent time inside, so he should stop boring us with that one...the t**t.  Shame he got licked by a white boy.

    I apologise in advance to Americans that are nice - There are alot of Americans who just can't stand it when Britain gets a brilliant athlete who can beat any American put in front of him/her.  Get a life!  Sometimes you just can't win so deal with it!

    I think Calzaghe should retire now.  The only fighters worth beating are at middleweight.  All the decent fighters left at light heavyweight are all washed up (Roy Jones Jr. - what is he still doing?  He's got nothing left to offer.  He will always be known as the fighter who consistently avoided Nigel Benn).

  6. Hey, but in Hopkins' word, he cheated..........OMG, He beat this racist, cheating tw*t in his own back yard and the punk will still not let it lie.........that's americanos for you!

    Joe is is legend......END OF!

  7. it wasnt a pretty fight and apart from the one knockdown/push there wasnt all that much excitement as such. no question on who the winner was going to be though. joe hit hopkins with more shots that hopkins has ever been hit with over a 12 rounder in his whole career. the guy had nothing to match that kind of work rate and calzaghe was (on that basis alone) worth the win. i had joe winning by 3 points at the end.

    am i the only one who would actually like to see calzaghe quit now while undefeated and with his brain still intact?

  8. jo s Calzaghe would of stoped if it was in england you make me laugh.

    It doesn't matter if the fight in China the result would be the same.

    Calzaghe didn't win every round accept the 1st you can't score a fight it was 115-113 Calzaghe on my card.

    Calzaghe did well but it doesn't matter where it is.

  9. joe was the only one boxing, hopkins held on all the time, cried when he apparently hit his small d**k, and the ref was extremely biased...he deserved to win for the effort of boxing..

       was only close on points because hopkins landed the few punches he threw and joe threw alot more and missed...hopkins showed calzaghe no respect and said he wouldnt let a white boy beat him...well he has now.

  10. Calzaghe won a split decision, it was close and could have gone the other way. Calzaghe's corner told him going into the last round that he needed a knockout so they thought he was losing. Joe fought Bernard's fight. In a split decision the loser is always going to moan. It was a messy fight but well done Joe on the win.

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