
So tell me what you think?

by  |  earlier

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I take birth control and i missed about 1 week at a time and then i still was not takeing them i still missed them me and my boyfriend was having s*x still.... not been feeling too hot what u think test or wait




  1. You were essentially having s*x without birth control. So take your odds from that. But you won't know anything until you miss a period and take a test.

  2. just take a test. if nothing happens, test again in a couple weeks.

  3. If you weren't taking them... they weren't working.  Take a test.

  4. i think take the test, i did that and now I'm a mommy! but i only did that cause i was kinda hoping I'd get pregnant

  5. Just take a test! If it's negative, but you still don't feel good, take another one a week later and so forth until you either get your period or come up positive.

  6. Great, another irresponsible teenager about to become a statistic...

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