
So the Bush administration is demanding that Russia not occupy another country? Pot calling the kettle black?

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So the Bush administration is demanding that Russia not occupy another country? Pot calling the kettle black?




  1. Russia have the good teacher and many examples, how good guys have to do.

    Russia wants to be good guy too and tries only to repeat after USA.

    Go, USA. Show something new , such cruel and unreasonable as invasion in Iraq was!

  2. Yeah, Bush is President of Japan also, and German, and VietNam

    and Korea, since we occupied 'em

  3. yup.  how could you deny it?

    both are wars for oil.  

  4. Obama said something similar to this today, and is being laughed at for it.  Equating Georgia, a free country, with Iraq, a dictatorship, is not a bright thing to do.  Neither one of you has any business being President of the US.

  5. Do as I say don't do as I do.  

  6. Different situation. When we invade - that is 'help', when others invade that is 'aggression'.

  7. They are the "bad guys."  We are the "good guys."  Simplistic, but that's the bottom line.  And the good guys get to spread democracy while the bad guys get whomped for being evil freedom hating thugs.  Ah, the way of the world.

  8. No, different situations.

    It's like saying that Churchill & Truman were the same as Hitler, because both invaded countries during WW2.

    Whatever your feelings about the Iraq war, there is no credible argument to support any claim that the US intends to annex Iraq.

    Meanwhile, there's a significant amount of evidence to suggest that Russia intends to annex large portions of Georgia.

  9. No.  

    We LIBERATED Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Russia INVADED Georgia.

    Learn the differences please.

  10. i dont recall russia going to the united nations or having 50 other countries participate in the occupation!

  11. Yes.

  12. You forgot to mention one little thing in your gross over-simplification: UN sanctions.

  13. McCainites just can't wrap their minds around the fact that we're occupying Iraq, not fighting a war.

    If one of you could identify 1.) who we are in a war with in Iraq and 2.) what will signify that we've "won" that war in Iraq, maybe then I'd have some respect for what you argue about Russia.

  14. Different situations.

    In Iraq, we were supplyign the weapons and didn't like the way they were being used, so we invaded.

    In Georgia our government supplied the weapons and Russia didn't like the way they were being used.

    See the difference? na I don't understand right-wing logic either.

  15. Here we go again.  Bush is not saying Russian can't "occupy" another country.

    Bush is saying that Russian can't just roll up in tanks and shoot misiles at another democratic nation that has done nothing wrong.  Russia can't just go bomb another country because they don't like them.

    The United States went into Iraq for a number of reasons, several of them being related to saving innocent lives and preventing more tragedy, which was occuring due to a terroristic lead gov't.  Iraq had no democracy, the people had no rights, innocent lives were being lost, and most importantly, the terroristic groups there had a huge role in killin thousands of our citizens in NY.

    We had a reason, and we still have a reason to be there.  Russia has no reason other than being a bully and/or killing a democracy they don't agree with.

  16. No. Its like he's trying to get a lion to listen to him. Russia's war can be called a success if its meant to be used as a scare tactic on Europe's oil imports from Azerbaijan. Bush's war = failure. "Insurgents" are still around and he's trying to bribe them and even calling it the surge.

    To the b*got who said liberation: Do Iraqis want a puppet govt that has almost no control over unstable area or a dictator who somewhat supported their interests and created stability?

  17. Another liberal who compares apples and oranges. One has nothing to do with the other. Guess you're pretty annoyed that the Bush administration just agreed to....What's that thing you people have been ranting about?...a TIMETABLE FOR WITHDRAWAL, since the last thing you want a Republican to do is what you've been whining about forever.

    It's interesting that you people think that sneak attacks are OK. Russia invaded Georgia to "protect" Russia citizens in those two provinces the way Hitler annexed the Sudetenland and Austria to "protect" Germans. He made a lot of promises that he didn't keep, too, but even Chamberlain was ashamed afterward.

    What color is the sky in your world?

  18. This "liberal logic" shows how simple they are. Seems to forget the years of UN sanctions and many other things. Basically they say Russia should be allowed to occupy any country because we did. Bush is right in demanding that russia leave.

  19. Though I was, and continue to be, opposed to our invasion in Iraq, it's really not.  As others have mentioned, it can't be denied that the U.S. did go to great pains to make a case (albeit largely false, as it turns out) to the international community in order to justify our invasion.  Russia just unilaterally rolled tanks into Georgia and took over without any diplomacy at all (though it can be argued they were provoked to some extent).

    Anyway, at least Bush and Co. went through the diplomatic motions on Iraq: Russia didn't even bother.

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