
So the Repubs were being entertained by the band called "Hookers and Blow" at the RNC Lobby party?

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McCain told the Repubs to "tone it down" due to Hurricane Gustav, but I guess his colleagues had other plans. ( ^ _ ^ ) Sounds like they had tons of fun spending thousands of dollars on food, booze, entertainment, and who knows what? Even hired a band called "Hookers and Blow." I don't think they were really all that concerned with Gustav or the people that were affected by this storm system. Your thoughts? (Sarcastic answers are coming. Kinda' figure that.)




  1. by the way, Obama spent 10 million dollars to feed his ego last Thursday night on that "rock star" setting for his speech... when he should have taken that money and helped the struggling folks he says he's so concerned about, but really isn't.

  2. Poor Republicans always in denial.

    That band is the signature bank of the Republicans isn't it?

    or is it their national pastime, I forget/

  3. THer was an interestng expose' of the parties on ABC, which has been pretty much pro-Bush up til now.

    It's a well known fact to all who open their eyes and ears to see and hear, that McCain's campaign is being run by some of the biggest lobbiests in D.C.  I think the the right wing's threat to rebel unless McCain dropped Lieberman backfired with those who saw him as the connection to the Israel lobby which BTW is one of the largest in D.C.

  4. Apparently, the Republicans' idea of toning it down is to party all over town. Watch the video for yourselves.

  5. Your missing the point Koot! Their morality, ethics and laws only apply to US - the average citizen. Those things don't apply to them. Do as they say, not as they do. It's the Republican way. And little dumb-*** who posted before me called Obama a crack head. LOL Clueless ditto head as usual - it's well now Bush was a coke head and a drunk back when he was losing his daddy's money in mismanaged business deals. REMEMBER: Republicans are above the morality they espouse.  

  6. That band sounds awesome.

  7. McCain can't control what his people do, just as Obama can't control his supporters shooting off at the mouth about Palin's unborn grandchild.  **** is on both sides of the coin.  

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