
So the barley is the complex sugars and also alcohol?

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Reading The Complete of Homebrewing?




  1. The Barley provides sugar and a taste profile.  You have to add yeast.

    The alcohol is created through fermentation.

    Yeast + Sugar = Alcohol + CO2 + heat

    For ales it can take 7-10 days to fully ferment

    For lagers it could be 2-3 weeks

  2. It is not the alcohol at present. The grains after steeped in H20 are removed provide the ferment-able sugars in the wort which after cooled and the yeast it pitched beginning the process of converting the fermentable sugars into co2 and alcohol. So if that is what you mean by your question yes it is the source of the alcohol.

  3. In a sense yes.  It has to do with chemical classes.

    The barley malt is milled and exposed to a temp. controlled water bath (say, 150-159 F) to allow the conversion of starch to sugars. The enzymes work to breakdown the starch to sugars. The water bath of sugar which it is called a mash or mashing process and the liquid formed is called wort, is cooled and yeast added.

    This is the alcohol part of the sugar(s) life. The yeast eats the sugar. Through natural processes it produces the alcohol and carbon dioxide.

    So that is how the sugars and alcohol are indirectly related.

  4. Barley is malted first.  It is dampened and allowed to sprout.  This converts stored starches into sugar.  The barley is then roasted.  The roasted barley is then boiled along with hops.  Hops provides a bitter flavor to offset the sugar in the barley.  This mixture is called a wort.  The wort is cooled, and then yeast is added.  Yeast and sugar react to form alcohol and carbon dioxide.

  5. Read it again you will get it.

    Barley does contain complex sugar called starches. The starches are reduced during the brewing process-the mash-into di- and mono saccharides small one and two carbon sugars. They are then reduced to alcohol by yeast.

    The cooled sugars or wort is pitched with yeast. The yeast consumes the sugars with a result of producing alcohol and CO2.

    Read again the sections on Ingredients (barley), mashing, and fermentation. Then refer again to the information provided today. Bam! your an old pro.

  6. No i think the sugar becomes the alcohol.  The yeast does some magic on it. The yeast also makes the carbon dioxide.

  7. Yeah to what they said.

    Barley contains starch that is broken down to units of sugar.  The sugar is converted by yeast to alcohol.

    The long answer goes-

    The barley is a cereal grain (a grass) and as a seed it contains the "food" in the form of starch to feed itself during germination/sprouting. There exist enzymes (active proteins) in the seed also. Under certain condtions (heat, moisture, etc.) the enzymes and hundreds of other chemical are activated within the seed to begin its new life as a barley sprout. The enzymes act to degrade (make smaller) the starches to sugars. It is this natural occurance that maltsters and brewers use to their benefit.

    The barley is "modified" (get ready for brewing) by the malt company.  They control the conditions that begin the germination (sprouting) but stop the process at a pre-determined stage with heat.

    The brewer then cracks the malted barley and again adds hot water to complete the enzamatic activity (by the active proteins = enzymes). So with the hot water grain mixture (called mash) the enzymes further degrade the starches into much smaller units we call sugar. (starch = a bunch of sugar units in a long chain) To the point.

    The sweet wort (sugar water) made in the mash is cooked with hops and cooled.  It is now that the yeast is added into a special vessel (fermentation tank) with the cooled wort (now sweet & bitter from the hops) that the yeast now does its thing. Yeast uses the sugar for an energy source (yeast food) and the result is alcohol (ethanol) and the fizz (CO2 or carbon dioxide)-(basically the alcohol and CO2 is yeast p**p)

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