
So the debate in north berwick is...?

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whether or not they should return to Scotland or remain a northenr region of England. What do you think of this?




  1. can get a free university education in Scotland?..does anyone know my great, great, great, great granddaddy (insert Scottish name)...


  2. The just want the Scottish Freebies,

  3. be interesting to see what the residents take would be if we in Scotland were independant

    wouldnt get their free university education etc etc etc then

    would it matter to them then?

    It may bring more cash initially, but despite being a die hard devoute Scot, I worry what independance would bring. Can we REALLY support ourselves. i would love nothing more to see an independant Scotland, but i think the reality would be harsh compared with what we are used to, we may not be perfect but our lives would be a whole lot harder, so whilst the romatic patriot in me wants it, the mother in me wants a land my children can survive in.

  4. Does it really matter when the likes of Dharfur and Kenya and numerous other attrocities going on around the world,look at the big picture.

  5. I thought they had already decided to return to Scotland, historically it belongs to Scotland anyway. Their footie team plays in the Scottish league does it not?

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