
So the freak is on his way back as we speak, do you think the UK will be very friendly with him?

by  |  earlier

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I hope someone shoots him!!!




  1. More than likely get a knighthood  

  2. I'd hate to be on the same flight as him.Imagine all those people travelling with their kids! They should have gave him a dingy and made him row somewhere.

  3. Hildegardis, you dont approve of vigilanteism? Well, neither do I. But there's one simple problem. The government doesn't punish sick pieces of dirt like him. And unfortunately vigilanteism will be on  a HUGE rise soon when the people get fed up and start defending themselves instead of waiting for a joke of a legal system to not do it. Let somebody like him get ahold of one of MY children. The piece of **** will wish he had met some pansy-assed sympathetic judge instead.

  4. I can only hope his life will be made an utter misery and he never knows a moments peace, dirty filthy scumbag pervert.

  5. If he got kicked out of Thailand and Hong Kong, I'm amazed he didn't head for Portugal, as that's where most of the filthy gits head for due to Portugals lax paedo laws.

    I wouldn't shoot him, or kill him, I'd issue a far better punishment. I'd kidnap him, anaesthetise him, and cut his balls off. Imagine his face when he woke up to no bollocks? Priceless!!

  6. He could belt out a tune, however!

  7. They will take away his passport, make him sign the register and audit his accounts. That should keep his hands so full that he will not have time for his predations on small people, the filthy swine.

  8. well they won't be throwing confetti at him

    when he gets of the plane, the filthy pervert.

  9. he has a few million in the bank so there will be someone who will welcome him  

  10. He looks like Confucius...  

  11. if i had the power i'd refuse him entry too

  12. The "Leader of the Gang" has a few million in the bank so money will be ok for him. He wont be able to live with his son as the press says he has disowned him.

    so when he lands and has no where to go he will be given accommodation and my guess police protection and a new identity

    the UK will not be friendly to him but will protect his Human rights, all at the tax payers expense. - Oh yes and take care of his health. If only we could say he can not come hear it would save the UK tax payer a fortune.

  13. Two wrongs don't make a right!

  14. Yes! Our pansy country will welcome him with open arms, probably give him a house, a new car, a new name, a new life.........I also think someone shoots him!

  15. no...the UK will not be very friendly to him...his life is really finished...he can't make money here....& no other country will take him...i hope he rots in h**l personally speaking!

  16. the uk be friendly with everyone why do you think everyone comes here when no one else takes them our goverment is pants he should be killed

  17. Why  doesn't  he show any sign of  SHAME ?!      ---- Does he think what he did is acceptable ?!  Or are these guys simply insane, nuts ?!

  18. I can see him topping himself. His way of life is over when he lands here no more travelling abroad, hounded by the press constantly........i give him 6 months max !!

  19. This man's life is truly over.  I do not know if we can call ourselves a civilized society anymore.  I do not believe he should be allowed to roam free but I do not approve of vigilantism.  

  20. Can't we just assasinated him. Or hire a hitman to do it.

    He will not be missed.

  21. im with u there

  22. Fine

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