
So the suns coming out, what kind of things do we need too do too protect ourselves from the heat?

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So the suns coming out, what kind of things do we need too do too protect ourselves from the heat?




  1. In Britain I don't think we get enough of it for long enough to worry.


    Gentlemen wear panamas and no other protection.

  3. Extra strong sunglasses to shield us from the legion of shapeless people who come out in their masses once the sun appears!!!!!

  4. Sunblock and eat carrots because they have natural sunscreen properties in them.

    Sun tans age people quicker, I personally don't want to look like a brown wrinkled up paper bag. And I have very sensitive skin so I don't want it damaged.

    And even if the sun is behind the clouds it can still get though.

    But if you do get sunburn Holland & Barret Aloe Vera gel will look after you and other burns. I leave some in the fridge for extra coldness.

    Forgot to mention the polarised sunglass which eliminate some of the glare and burning out of the retinas.

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