
So theists, what about all those other gods, why don't you believe in them?

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"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." - Stephen Roberts




  1. don't really know about others but i personally believe in gods, nature, and spirits. :)

  2. Well Stephen Roberts is retarded. I know what he's saying, but really...when you look at what the words mean..he's wrong.

    Christians and others are monotheists - not atheists, nor polythiests.

    Anyway...I don't believe in them because when I researched the religion I didn't get any special feelings about anything. I didn't get interested in anything...I wasn't inspired by anything.

    I feel that if the religion is true, I would be inspired...I wasn' I stopped studying it.

    Well...I take that back, I still regularly study religion but I don't really...ummm....ugh! What's the word?

    Whatever, you know what I mean....I hope.

  3. You are not posing this question to the Pagans here, are you?  This is perhaps an over-sight on your part.  Your question presumes that we believe in one god but not in the others.

    By the way, I just love the circular logic deployed by some:  Only one of the gods can exist because all the other ones are 'false'.  This is demonstrated by the fact that only one of the gods exists.  <sigh>  And <drink> for that matter.

  4. You failed, because only one god could have started everything.

    If there's no god at all like you say, nothing could exist.

    If there's only one god as I say, everything can exist. We all exist, which proves there is one god. I reject other gods because they're false and not the true god. But you're not like me because you think everything happened by accident and have no answers to life, whereas I know god created everything and is the answer to everything.

    EDIT: Oops, didn't mean to attack if I did. Sorry. Basically, it's obvious those other religions are wrong. So I won't believe in a wrong god. But there has to be one god out there who is true, because otherwise nothing would exist. God hates bieng associated with others, so that's why I know the other 'gods' are just made up, because god says he's only one.

  5. " I am the Lord your God. You shall have no other gods before me. You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve."

  6. Because no other "god" died for me.

  7. I do believe in them.

    Sort of.

    But then again, I really don't "believe" in them.

    Thus is the beauty of Archetypal Polytheism! Woohoo!

  8. Well....I put the "poly" in "polytheist" ;).

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