Basically when peak oil happens WHICH it HAS too eventually since we live in a finite world we will be starving. You can't get around it by not driving becasue all that we eat and use is based on oil. The average car takes hundreds of gallons of oil to make the lightweight plastic. Look around you look at your pop bottle oil is needed. For every calorie you eat it takes 10 calories of oil for you to eat it. Think about it it takes a ton of oil to have agricultural machinery to gather the food, big trucks ship the food, store the food in heat or cold, you have to drive to the place to get it. Batteries take oil to make solar panels too!! We have a real problem here and most Americans are just smiling and going to Costco watching American idol and thinking it's one big joke and they don't know gas will be 15 bucks a gallon in a few years. The question is what alternatives do we HAVE?? START THINKING!!