
So...there is this girl?????

by  |  earlier

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I seen in front of my sister co-op complex last week (on Wednesday). I was in front talking to a friend of mine (a girl) and smoking a cigarette when this beautiful blonde girl walks into the building...i seen her more then once since ive been here this week, but only once face to face. I said hi, how are you to her and she had a big smile on and said hi. I know that's not much info but i wanted to know if that's a sign she could be interested...I've been here the whole week and i really wanna ask her out but im afraid im not gonna see her again so how can i increase my chances of seeing her?




  1. Well, go out for lunch with her as much as you can. Its obvious that shes interested in you. You need to show her that you are interested in her too.

  2. go back to the place where you last spoke to her face to face. it sounds like she might be interested from the way you described her smile! when you run into her, try to talk to her again they way you did last time, only this time talk a little longer. try to ask her questions about herself and maybe see what you guys have in common, because that way, if you ask her out later in the conversation, she's feel more comfortable because she knows a little bit about you and that you guys have a few things in common.

    good luck!

  3. ask her if she wanted to get a coffee...

    If she has a boyfriend...

    say as "friends"

  4. Well first off, where are you from.. You're typing kinda sounds like someone i know xD

    and second, go up and talk to her, be friendly but not creepy awkward friendly and ask her if she wants to go to timhortons and get coffee or icecaps or go to mcdonalds and get icecream or just plain go for a walk and talk about stuff, try and get to know her a little =D

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