
So theres 2 guy doctors and 2 girl doctors who can deliver my baby..?

by  |  earlier

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its whoever is on call, but both of the men are well over 60 and walk with a limp. they are hairy.. and creepy. im 16 .. so of course they want to see my cooch. lol :) but seriously, i CANT deliver to them.. i cant do it.. did anyone plan to deliver to their doctor? i've been seeing a female whos young and perky and i love her.. !




  1. I felt the same way....

    I went to the same two doctors with both my children...loved my first delivery doctor so I saw her my next pregnancy the whole time, and wanted her to deliver me but as my luck would have, the only doctor in the office i never saw delivered, me but you know what once you go into labor it wont matter who sees your cooch! cause youll have nurses in and out of there like crazy!...I have never had so many people between my legs!

  2. You're going to be so uncomfortable and the pain will be a shock, especially because its something you have never experienced before, so I think that when it all comes down to it, just be grateful you have the medical care that you need, regardless of the doctors gender. All that matters is that you're well taken care of and deliver a healthy baby and/or get the proper diagnosis asap in case if you need a cesearean section.

  3. I had my baby at sixteen also, but i didnt think to be as immature as you are being.

    Just because there guys doesnt mean they "want" to see your "cooch" get over yourself. Its there job, and actually guys are a whole lot easier on you than women doctors. No doctor in the right state of mind is going to induce you just for your own good, becasue from here on out its not about you its about your baby, they will induce you if they have to not becasue of a doctor you dont want. And to be honest with you your going to be in so much pain that you wont care who is looking at your "cooch". Stop caring about yourself right now, that just shows how caring of a mom your going to be. Are you always going to put yourself before your child?

  4. most likely they dont want to look at your v****a lol, its their job. prefer the older more experienced person. but hey...its your decision, go with who you're comfortable with.

  5. grow up.

  6. Good grief... get over yourself.  You are going to deliver your baby whenever you baby is ready and you are going to do so with whomever is available to catch.  You won't have a choice on when the baby is coming and I highly doubt you'll have your choice of medical staff, so you just need to get over it..  This is why 16 year-olds should not have babies... grow up!

  7. my advice guys are more simpathetic cuz, they can never experience  it.  women have been there and are gonna tell you to just suck it up we all go thro it...

    and no offence honey the guys see that stuff all day and your "stuff" prob aint the prettiest they have ever saw so get off your high horse and deliver to the most experience and do whats best for your child.

    jeez kids these days

  8. The two men have been delivering babies for longer than you have been alive, and I can assure you that they do NOT want to see a baby coming out of your 16 year-old "cooch".  They would much rather see it coming out of someone older and more mature.  Whoever is on call will deliver your baby.


    CLEARLY you are not old enough nor mature enough to be having a baby.  Please invest in some birth control after you have this child.  And no, they will not induce you because you have issues with your "cooch", like the doctors have never seen that before!  You must have a medical reason to be induced, and unfortunately for you, immaturity doesn't qualify.

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