
So theyre closing 360 ...... why?!?

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So theyre closing 360 ...... why?!?




  1. Well like the first poster says, they want to compete with the other big social networks. The problem is the way they go about doing it. There no longer supporting 360, and because there are so many bugs within 360, people are leaving by the droves. Yahoo needs a wake up call.

  2. Its a good job because I keep catching up with myself and going dizzy

  3. Yahoo 360 stared out as a test page on Beta.

    They were constantly fixing bugs.

    Q: Why are you transitioning 360? We love it the way it is.

    A: Yahoo! is building a universal profile system to provide a more integrated experience. We currently have many different profiles for different Yahoo! products. Our goal is to centralize as many of these as possible into one common profile.

    Copy from 360 Blog, read this and more at this link

  4. Thank you for asking this question. I had no idea about it. Since I have not been notified.

    Although I like the Yahoo 360 I have always felt it draw back is that unlike a normal web page it is rather  slow. That is why I only kept mine to about 21 pages in all. So only need to flick over about 4-5 times to view it all.

    I have put a most delightful little character on my first page, by all means have a brows hope you like him.



  6. Competition, bugs, and centralization. The platform of 360 has to be more flexible to allow more functionality to compete with other social networking services (like Facebook and Myspace - regardless of the target audience). Yahoo! 360 is a beta service, meaning in testing, so it's continued existence was always a shaky proposition as it never moved out of the beta phase. There were a ridiculous amount of glitches with various modules. Yahoo has a different challenge than other services as it not only does social networking, but it also tries to connect Y!360 with other Yahoo services (like Yahoo!Groups, Flickr, etc.). The connectivity hasn't been successful for the most part. Yahoo has several profiling services that basically have the same purpose (telling people about yourself), so they are trying to create one "universal profile" for users.

    Yahoo! 360 is shutting down in a sense sometime within early 2008, as the new system will likely no longer be called Yahoo! 360. But the point is that there will still be a social networking service that includes built-in blogging functionality for Yahoo users (which will use the same platform as the other social-networking service - Y!Mash, but will not be Y!Mash as we know it now).

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