
So this Al Gore chap wants to save the environment by flying pop stars around the world to make a pop concert.

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Can we all do our own bit by leaving all our lights on for a couple of weeks too?




  1. on the global warming subject, do u not agree with me that more damage would have been done millions of years ago, when volacnoes were going off all the time and sending much more pollutants in to the air than we our nowdays. I think it's a complete over reaction!!

  2. sometimes you have to make a mess to clean a mess, and you cant make an omelette without breaking the eggs.  As for leaving all our lights on, its funny i read that australia and france had some symbolic "turning off of the unnecessary light" deal, the article was like then they turned them all back on again and went home.  Its all pretty much a joke, a sad one,  when we could actually all make a real difference with a little thought and effort.

  3. lol, exactly.

    The pop stars are paid to do anything, otherwise they sound like Oprah when she spoke about Iraq.....

  4. Cad has answered the CO2 problem before.. As the trees , oceans and volcano's contribute 99.9999 % of all world C02 emission's we must cover them with cling film.....That will save us.... I say

  5. That sounds like an idea. Did you see that South Park episode about him? Too funny!!

  6. Mr.Gore's intentions, I'm sure, are to raise awareness of an issue...

  7. Read this article. It exposes the lengths Al Gore will go to to uphold his (in my opinion) dubious reputation.

  8. It must be fun to be superficial.

    He is enlisting celebrities to get the public's attention.

    Enviornmental lectures don't work.  Obviously.

  9. What's worse is he is trying to get corporations to buy carbon offsets to negate their over emissions. Kind of a conflict of interest considering he owns the company he is pushing them to.

  10. Good idea but so much for lowering Co2 in the environment.  A plane trip from Vancouver to Toronto releases as much CO2 into the environment as a hummer does in a year.  We don't really need to raise awareness, everyone knows about global warming. What we need is people to get off their fat lazy asses and do something.

  11. Gore has jumped on the band wagon. He paid no attention to this during his presidential race. He is so concerned with gloabal warming that his ranch uses more eletricity in a month than the average US household uses in an entire year.

    Even the bands have no morals. The Chilli Peppers will produce over 200 tonnes of CO2 during their world tour. An average house produces around 2 tonnes.

    Only one word I can think of to describe him .... hypocrite.

    As for the mention of volcanoes... they actually cause global cooling by blocking out solar radiation.... also an eruption is a natural event.

    Someone mentioned trees producing CO2? They actually remove CO2 from the atmosphere... replacing it with oxygen.  Without trees we would all suffocate. This is lower school science. The oceans are a huge carbon sink... dissolving millions of tonnes of CO2.

  12. C'mon don't be so negative, I know that the right in America have issues with Al Gore and from what I've seen on Fox news they take great delight in doing what you are doing and quite frankly these people won't be happy until the world is under water and everyone has asthma.

    I don't have any love for any politicians but in America where extreme weather is fast becoming the norm it is time that the ignorant were educated and even Bush has had to concede that their obscene energy wastage has to stop so give Gore a break he might very well be an opportunist but at least he is making the effort that the right don't seem to want to do - and at their peril because when the sea rises there is going to be the grandfather of refugee exoduses and they are all going to be heading for the good old US of A

  13. Saving the planet need not be about living in caves, growing our own food and walking everywhere. We need to change to make our actions sustainable, and reduce pollutions of all kinds.

    To do this we must force, co-erce or encourage the polluters to change, not stop.

    If they stopped producing, man's life expectancy would be a few years as opposed to a few decades. At least for man's civilisation, the caves you sneer at would be mandatory.

    Turn off Fox News, impeach that pr*ck  along with all his cronies (then jail or execute them), and start thinking for yourself.

    Not worrying about a meteor strike is fine, if you've got cancer do what you want. But if you carry a deadly virus then you need to adapt your behaviour towards other, whether you die or not. That's called being part of society.

    Grow up, stop thinking up stupid excuses for yourself and do something.

    The time is coming on this issue for everyone to either lead, follow or get the f*** out the way.

  14. His idea is that by flying everybody thousands of miles will make us all aware who he is and that he wants to be the next president of USA so that he can continue where GB leaves!!!

  15. I've not heard about this pop concert.  I'm guessing that it's to be held in the US as it would be pointless holding it anywhere else.  I guess the reason behind it is to raise awareness but this is already happening.  Only 18% of Americans and 6% of people outside the US don't consider global warming to be a serious issue and with numbers falling it won't be lomg before everyone believes it.

    Still, if they have a good line up it will be a fun day out.

  16. stop moaning! we're doomed anyways!

    its not like we (the general population) can do anything - especially with china building 500 new coal powerplants!

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