
So this could totally be Biased but (ESPY AWARDS)?

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I'm not sure if this question has been brought up yet, but there are a lot of categories that Deserve a hockey-related Nominee. I mean come on...the Best male athlete? Tiger woods, Tom Brady, Kobe Bryant, Alex Rodriguez??? I'm not doubting any of those men, but where's the Alex Ovechkin? or Sidney Crosby? Shouldn't they have a place in this?....Or how about biggest upset.... Again i could be biased and maybe wrong, but game 5 of the SCF the Pens winning in Detroit where they were expected to grasp the cup with 34 sec. in the game, and losing in triple OT. Shouldn't that be somewhere in there? Now I understand they have best NHL player, and the Wings as a nominee for best team...but is anyone else seeing what I'm seeing? Or again am i being a Biased Hockey fan lol?




  1. Your not being biased at all. Hockey players deserve some recognition too.

  2. Hockey gets very little if any respect from ESPN. Hockey gets very little respect in the sports world all together

  3. Wayne Gretzky is best athlete of all time on the planet. They should call that award the 'Gretzky award' which goes to best male athlete.

  4. No you're right.  Although I wouldn't put Crosby in for this year's male athlete of the year... He was hurt much of the season.  If he got it, that would be ridiculous.

    Game 5 of the SCF was nothing and really didn't effect anything... IF the Pens went back and won the series, then you could talk about it, but OT is usually left for luck.  And luck won.  Detroit completely dominated all but the first 10 minutes of that game.  Bad break on the high-stick call... bad OT goalie interference calls.  Even a blind monkey gets a banana once in a while.

  5. I agree w/you.

    ps for tennis---Roger Federer!!!! wooooooooooooo!!!!!!

  6. well Crosby was named in the top 6 atheletes of the world.

    and what are the ESPY AWARDS?

    but whatever they are, yeah i should definitely be recognized.

    it requires so much.

    strength of the football player, hand eye coordination of a baseball player, etc.

  7. crsoby and malkin actually are up for ESPYS

  8. Yeah I Totally agree....

    and its not even being biased, its speaking the truth!

    Theres a reason I don't watch those awards!

  9. Of course it's bias.  I was signing up for something, and on the questionnaire, there were the following questions: "Are you a fan of the NFL, MLB, NASCAR, NBA, WNBA".  NO hockey!!!  They even had the WNBA and no NHL!!  WTF!  America hates hockey.  They'd rather watch cars make 70 laps around a track for 3 hours, than watch a fast paced, skillful game like hockey.

  10. i agree with you on the espys thing. but if im not mistaken darren McCarty won an espy for best play or somthing like that, i know forsure he was nominated for it.

  11. The ESPY Awards have always been hockey deficient since they were started. Even when ESPN carried the sport. They never gave any of it it's proper due. That is not going to change now that they now longer carry the sport. They cover hockey begrudgingly at best. It does not surprise me at all. But Hockey should be represented in those categories and more.

  12. ima a huge hockey fan (flyers)..but i also am i fan of the other three major sports as well.  as unbiased as i can comment, hockey players are in general extremely tough but i wouldnt go as far as calling them the most athletic.  obviously to be a professional athlete in hockey, baseball, basketball football one has to have a excellent level of athleticsm but quite frankly wide receivers and cornerbacks in football as well as some freaks in basketball are lightyears ahead of the typical hockey player athleticly-wise.  this is not to say they are tougher or more skilled in their sport but you would be a fool to call hockey players the most athletic.

    and i think that ovechkin does deserve a nomination for best male athlete but thats about it from hockey that didnt get recognized

    game 5 could hardly be considered an upset...maybe if they had a category for best comeback that game would be a candidate because it was a tremendous comeback

    to answer your question i think you have a warrant to complain about hockey exposure from espn in general and ur not too biased

  13. Well it is called the ESPN awards, LOL

    The station that doesn't follow the greatest sport ever!

  14. Ya I agree, personally I think that hockey players have to be the best all around athletes of all sports, I think in part it's because they think that hockey wouldn't have a chance up against other sports athletes, but come on.. :l

    EDIT: I actually totally disagree with Killswitch, Tiger Woods is an athlete, most golfers aren't, but this guy is totally ripped and does deserve to be nominated. I love Tom Brady, but he's not much of the athlete..he's the non-athlete on here, not Tiger Woods.

  15. when was the last time a NHL player won an ESPY? (not including best NHL player)

    Mario Lemieux Hockey (Decade honor)  2000

    so there hasnt been an out right NHL player game or team win anything in the past 10 yrs. I think the NHL is due to be recognized for something

    past winners BEST NHL PLAYER

    2007: Sidney Crosby, Pittsburgh Penguins

    2006: Jaromir Jagr, New York Rangers

    2005: LOCKOUT

    2004: Jarome Iginla, Calgary Flames

    2003: Jean-Sebastien Giguere, Anaheim Mighty Ducks

    2002: Jarome Iginla, Calgary Flames

    2001: Chris Pronger, St. Louis Blues

    2000: Dominik Hasek, Buffalo Sabres

    1999: Dominik Hasek, Buffalo Sabres

    1998: Mario Lemieux, Pittsburgh Penguins

    1997: Joe Sakic, Colorado Avalanche

    1996: Eric Lindros, Philadelphia Flyers

    1995: Mark Messier, New York Rangers

    1994: Mario Lemieux, Pittsburgh Penguins

    1993: Mario Lemieux, Pittsburgh Penguins

    1996: Martin Brodeur for Outstanding under Pressure

    1995: Mark Messier for Outstanding under Pressure

    1995: New York Rangers for OutstandingTeam

    1994: Mario Lemieux for Best Comeback player

    as we can see not a whole lot of indivdual awards given to hockey players. Nothing in the last 11years, time for the ESPY's to wake up and realize hockey players are athletes too

  16. I am just gonna love when non talented athletes like Tiger Woods win best athlete of the year because the competition around him is weak. When players like Sidney Crosby or AO or Zetterburg get nothing for going out there every night they play and do more than any of the other sports athletes combined.

  17. I agree with you about the biggest upset. Even as a Penguins fan I really thought it was over in Game 5, half the neighborhood probably heard me screaming when the Pens scored and tied it lol. Seriously though I really think the Red Wings deserve for best team, I doubt that they will get it but they deserve it.

    Edit: America has NOTHING against Hockey, it is ESPN. If you looked at the ratings NASCAR isn't that much more popular. ESPN is against the NHL because the NHL went to OLN(now VS) to get more money after ESPN cut up the TV Contract and tried to lowball them.

  18. If you're being biased then that means I am too because I feel the same way.

    How 'bout Athlete of the year: Alex Ovechkin

    Upset of the year: Game 5 of the SCFs.

    .........ESPY AWARDS are jokes's created by EPSN.

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