
So this girl I know...?

by  |  earlier

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said "Want!" and did the grabby hands thing, so I put a lava lamp in her hands and said ohh you want a lava lamp. And she hit me in the head.... whats this all mean?




  1. It could be any number of things. I'm guessing the girl is a baby or toddler that can't communicate properly yet.

  2. Oooooooohh!! I think she wants you!!! hehehhe... Thats all I could get from yur explanations.. Sorry!

  3. what?

  4. sounds like your 11 years old..

  5. It means you are horrible at telling what the girl wants and that the girl is horribly vague (and violent).

  6. i think she thought u were trying to hit on her hahahah

  7. it depends. what color was the lava lamp???

    ahhhh i see blue & green, u were excited and very very confused at the time???

  8. next time, hand her a bib.

  9. maybe she was interested in something else..

  10. She might like you, but you responded in a way that turned her off...maybe she wanted a hug/object or something? You didn't really explain what happened so it's hard to say...

  11. It means you have good taste in furniture.

  12. Maybe she didnt want the lava lamp. Maybe she just wanted a hug from you. It depends on her. Ask her!

  13. interesting

  14. its love brotha love <3

  15. it means you missed an opportunity

  16. lmao wow you dumbass your my hero

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