
So this guy asked me out....?

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ok so today at school this guy asked me out i was like NO!!! because i like his friend what should i do???




  1. It tends to be a bit late to ask what to do when you've already said no...

  2. Aw...if you said it like NO! You had to have hurt his feelings. I mean what if you asked the boy you like out, and he said it like that. It would hurt your feelings really bad, wouldn't it? But if you said it nice, than I think you should just forget about it. I mean you can't say yes for everything, right? Sometimes you just have to do what your heart tells you to do. It may be hurting someone, but I'm sure that person also hurt someone before, it's life! So if you said it kind of mean just go up to him and tell him that your sorry, and that you didn't mean to say it like that. But who knows you two could be a really great couple if you just think about it. But of course I don't know you, and I don't know him. Maybe you should try talking to his friend, and take it from there. Hope I helped! Good Luck!!

    answer mine please:;...

  3. Don't go out with him, but give him a reason, it's cruel to leave him hanging. If you aren't comfortable telling the whole truth, say you have feelings for someone else, and give it a bit. If you feel comfortable as time passes, tell his friend how you feel.

  4. that was really mean that you went NO!!! to him. just letting you know, if you start dating his friend, he is most likely going to get in2 a fight with his friend. and if ur okay with that, then go ahead. but it will make you a *****.

  5. say no... i like ur friend =]

  6. You already did it. Just politely turn him down every time he asks (if he asks again).

  7. The bad news is that his friend will probably not want to talk to you if he knows his friend likes you and has already approached you.  I recommend letting this guy go and finding someone else.  I just don't think you should waste your time on something that will probably not materialize.  I hope this helps!

  8. Go out with him in order to get closer to his friend.

  9. thats a little rude.


    but you should have told him that you have your eye on someone else.  

  10. What should you do about what?

    be more specific.

    and these other people are right, if you actually said it to him like that, that'd be pretty rude.

    So I don't think you should go out with his friend because that'd really hurt him.

  11. nothing you did what you wanted to do?  

  12. You already answered your question. Yoou told him no so stick with it.

  13. find out if his friend likes you 2 and if not maybe you should give him a chance

  14. nothing

    i mean you allready said no which was the right thing to do since you dont wanna go out with someone you dont really like that would be a lie. try to remain friends.

  15. Wow did you actually say it to him in that way, your a real *****. If you did it like that, who would want you.  

  16. you know all ready...Peace

  17. tough luck for you.

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