
So this guy got a cancer nd being really depressed by refusing of the girl he to pull him out?

by  |  earlier

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today he told me went to see the doctor nd was told only had about 8 months to live. like i said he's getting really really depressed recently, since it's ME said NO to his love as in a special way. becuz i already have sumone to love and i do love him. i've been telling the guy that i just like him as a good friend, but it didnt work out for him, still.

i try to talk to him to help him live the way he used to, it was so happy nd he's a strong guy. but neither this works..

so today he left me sum words " i love you, and i live for you. without you i got nothing to fight for." nd " i dont know what to do for the rest time " really sad about this, and i know it's becuz of me made him this way. he wants me to be his gf but i know i wont, i wont let him live in a lie nd be with him for the probable 8 months following. i want to see him live as happily as before. but i got no clue what i cud/shud do to help him pull this thru.

so now im putting this situation here, any one cud help me plz?




  1. i know wat he feels i had cancer and u are on the right way asking for help get him 2 go to a professional for help

  2. You can watch "The Secret''.........I feel that with a shift in his thinking, with lots of prayers........things could change.

  3. Pray.

    God Bless.

  4. First of all we cannot make people happy we are not responsible for others feelings either. They are responsible for their own feelings and if he really wants to be happy he would be looking within and towards a Higher Power rather than a person for strength at this time. He needs counselling and you could read Melody Beatty's book Codepedant No More book to detach from his situation to give u strength to be happy too.  

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