
So this guy i used to know went to work for the FBI. Would he stay in Mississippi where we live or go to DC?

by  |  earlier

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Would he relocate to washington D.C., or is there like separate branches?




  1. He could be assigned anywhere in the country.

  2. after graduating from the fbi academy, he would receive orders to report to a  special agent in charge (sac) or a resident agent in charge (rac).

    the difference being sacs are larger than racs. both sacs and racs are located in every state. no one really knows where they going to assigned, after graduation.

  3. He will go to quanico virginia for training then after that they are told where they will work for the next three years with an experienced officer. After that they are ussually transfered to a destination that they want or that is in need of more agents ussually larger cities.

  4. FBI agents go to Quantico and go to the academy.  Out of the academy they are assigned to a field office anywhere they are needed in the entire world.  (Yes, there are FBI offices outside the US).

  5. He would go to Virginia for training, then be sent anywhere in the world they have a field office.................

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