
So this question may be personal or TMI for some but im curious about whats going on with me?

by  |  earlier

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As of today i was six days late for my period. I had thoughts in my head that i could possibly be pregnant becuase i have had a few early symptoms of pregnancy. I have not had any cramping or pains which i usually get a day or two before my period comes. WELL.... this morning i woke up with no cramping and no pain anywhere feeling just slighty faint/dizzy. I had gone to the bathroom and still no period so about ten minutes later i had intercourse( with a condom) and when we got up there was what seemed to be my period. So i got up and went to the bathroom but instead of my normal period blood this blood was bright red, like real blood which ive never seen before but i still didnt have any cramping. UNUSUAL.... Then around two hours later or so i started to get really severe cramps in my lower abdomen. These were the worst i have ever had and lasted for so long. (usually they are only slightly painful and not for long amounts of time) These cramps made me cry they hurt so bad. The blood that is coming out is a moderately light flow. Usually my period the first couple days is very heavy. I have had cramps pretty much throughout the whole day so i started to look up information on the subject. I read about early miscarraige... Does anyone know anything on this subject or can anyone tell me anything else about it?




  1. Ah babe I think you should go and see a Doctor as it sounds like an early miscarriage. Good luck with everything.

  2. it does sound like you could possibly be having an early miscarrage. what you should do is go to the doctors and get checked out because if you are only lightly bleeding and if you are preggo then something might be happening besides a friend found out she got an std while she was prego from the daddy and that caused her really bad cramping pains. her baby is fine now and healthy because she caught it early

  3. If you wnat to know if you're miscarrying, I'd go grab a pregnancy test.  You'll probably test positive for a few days into the bleeding as it takes a while for the HCG levels to return to non-pregnant levels.

    If you are miscarrying, don't freak out too much.  Early miscarriage, while not plesant, isn't usually more difficult than a rough period.  You probably won't even need a D&C.

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