
So those oil companies want people to stay broke and miserable paying $5 a gallon?

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So as there are electric cars and they know they've already done a lot of financial damage to millions, and as there are those vehicles to save big money now, those oil companies DON'T want people to financially back on their feet and finally have the kind of money they back in 2004 before gas became too expensive? So I guess when I DO manage to get that electric or hydrogen burning vehicle, I'll save a lot and they won't like it while I'll have a smaile on my face.

Does that pretty much sum it up?




  1. Oil company execs are interested in profits, and that's all. Do what I did and buy a car that runs on natural gas (methane). It's cheap to fill up, good for the environment, and produced domestically so your money stays in our own economy. Check out my sources and see if there's a place to fill up near you. If not, start bothering your local government officials to get some natural gas filling stations put in! These cars can save you a bundle.

  2. You control the price of gasoline, not the oil companies.  Don't you control the price of iPods?  If the price is too high, you don't  and guess what, the price goes down

    The hydrogen car is a myth.  Yes Honda will rent you one and the fuel price will be the same or maore than gasoline.

    Electric cars will be cheaper to run at first, but if we do not build a nuke plant or coal plant to sell you power, guess what, it'll cost more than gasoline.  All the talk about filling up at night with cheap electricity, a myth in the future, yeah today it works that way, but if everyone plugs in a car at night and the grid blows a fuse, the night price will be the same as day time.

    So, today I have a smile on my face as niave people blame everyone but themselves for energy prices.  AND to top it off, if we buy into global warming, the energy prices might stay down, but you'll end up paying and extra $1000/year in taxes, how much gasoline could you buy with that money????

  3. What are you babbling about? Work on your grammar if you don't want folks to get tumors trying to read this mess.

    $5/gallaon gas won't break me. My hatchback gets decent mileage, and it's a helluva lot cheaper than any electric car out there. So, I'll keep a "smaile" on my face while you dream of your futuristic zombie car.

  4. good plan...electric is already here

    let's shut the gas engine industry down today...oil is evil

  5. There aren't any electric cars that you can take on an expressway currently in production.  The Tesla is closest, but you can't buy one and production has stalled at about ten cars thus far.  There's no place to buy hydrogen for any hypothetical hydrogen cars that might someday appear, either.  

    So your best alternative to strike a blow for freedom consists of riding a bike or taking a bus.  Or just drive a bit slower.  

  6. Where does it say in ANY companies motto, to watch out for the common Joe?  Nowhere.   Make as much as you can for as long as you can.   No one told you that you had to buy a car.   Nikes should have done you well enough.      The price goes up because you are willing to pay for it, and the companies would be stupid not to take it if you are so willing to give it to them.

       Controlling the price, means controlling your need.  Use it less=need it less.  Then they lower the price to "entice you to buy it".    If you still don't buy it, they need to drop the price further and further until somebody does.

       Trouble is that nowadays, China and India will be buying that gas you don't want to buy so it is win/win for the oil companies.  Money is money.

  7. The oil companies don't hate you, they are just feeding off your stupid dependency to their product. It's called Economics, maybe you should look into it.

    You don't need oil or gas to live sweetheart, stop using as much as you can and go tell the suits at Exxon to bugger off.

    Do you ride transit or bike to work or school? If not then STFU. No one ever promised you cheap gasoline.  

  8. its supply and demand for the most part.tell the politicians to get us some more energy, either more oil, or more electricity for electric cars, or something else.well, tell them to end bans on drilling for energy and that will help.

  9. DJ cheap gas is a right, that as americans we deserve.....


  10. I just got a small car that gets 35 MPG. I am paying a little more than before overall, but not much. I am also helping us use less foreign oil and producing less emissions. I wish I could get one of those little diesels they have in Europe that gets 50MPG, but our "Environmentalists" don't like them.

    I don't think the price is set by the oil companies, anyway. I believe it is more to do with demand relative to production. Most oil is not actually produced from the ground by the major oil companies. They just buy most of it from producers, and make gas and diesel.  

  11. The Left and Gore want it even higher to protect the environment. We need to drill now and if the Democrats get in the way run over them...

  12. It is only us of meager earnings that seem to be feeling the crunch of high gasoline prices, myself I only drive when I absolutely have to and then I consolidate my driving to as many of the stops I need to make in one trip.

    The electric car has been available for over 100 years, they were even manufactured 10 years ago.

    In California there are millions of acres of desert where wind turbines could be installed without an harm to anyone.

    And yet we are still dependent upon fossil fuel to run co-generation plants,

    not to mention the dams already equipped with hydro generators that are not being utilized.

  13. While you're waiting for the your electric car to come along, just steal the gas for the one you now have and keep going till then!

  14. The prime law of economics is that companies are in business to make money.  If they make you poor, then they are working against their own self-interest.

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