
So today I found out I'm pregnant...?

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How do I tell my husband?

He has made it clear that he doesn't want anymore kids (he already has 2.. we have full custody of one, and the other we don't see..which is agianst our wishes)

but anyways...

I know he is going to be upset at first. I'm sure after a little while he'll be fine with it. But I'm scared to tell him. We just got married May 3....

I want to do something cute... but im not sure what

any suggestions would be great!




  1. First of all, Congrats!  I am not sure how to answer this bc you said he doesn't really want anymore but, maybe wrap up the pregnancy test box and let him open it and tell him.  I had read this before somewhere that the wife bought a honey bun and put it in the oven and told the husband to look what's in the oven--bun in the oven, lol.  I hope he isn't really upset, I imagine you are pretty excited about this, hope he doesn't rain on your parade.  Good luck!

  2. You could always tell him over a nice dinner. Like how they did it on Full House. <with baby back ribs, and baby corns, and other food that are "baby-ish" =) good luck!

  3. don't tell him and see how many months into your pregnancy he figures it out.

  4. I don't have any suggestions for the cute thing. But don't delay on telling him too much. I think it will be OK. ((hug))

    and Congrats!

  5. Well, if he doesn't want anymore he might be pretty upset, I don't think this calls for something "cute" you need to sit down and seriously discuss this.  I know a couple who separated because the husband didn't want anymore kids and the wife got pregnant anyway.  I hope that doesn't happen to you.  It doesn't sound like you have very good communication.  I wish you and the baby best of luck.

  6. farther day deff

  7. DUH! Sunday is fathers day!

    Take another pregnancy test....take a picture of it being positive, and put it in a fathers day card for him!

  8. Firstly did you both have s*x knowing you was not protected if so accidents happen but hey this is a nice accident.

    Best to tell him sooner as the longer you leave it, it will be harder on both of you.

    are you in the uk if so fathers day is on sunday give him a fathers day card from bump.

    good luck and congratulations XxXx


  10. It's Father's day. Get him a card and sign it "Who''s it" or "the Bump". Good luck to you!!

  11. just tell him he mmight be exited

  12. Don't you use birth control?

    It seems like you're asking how to tell your husband that you're having another baby whether he likes it or not... but in a 'cute' way that won't make him mad.

  13. Well if you're not using protection then what are you complaining about. It was bound to happen. Guess you better tell him.

  14. you didn't want kids, but you didn't take steps to prevent pregnancy?

    If he was that serious about no kids, he would have gottten a little snip snip job.

    edit: sorry for not giving a suggestion.  I just thought of one.  Wait until after he has a nice father's day dinner with his other kids, and he is happy and in a loving kids mood, and then tell him.  Or when he is getting presents from his other children, have a present wrapped from the new baby.  He can't be mad about it in front of his other kids!

  15. Get him a fathers day card from the unborn baby.  He may be upset at first, but he will come around eventually.

    Congrats Mommy!

  16. use baby food like baby corn and see if he can find out from there


    hope this helps..

    good luck:)

  18. Just tell him and let him know that you are happy about it.  Remind him that it takes two to tango.  He is already a father, so he will come around.  Good luck with the new addition.

  19. Wait till fathers day then tell him with a card for daddy to be.

    Put something like Love, Mommy, (two kids), and ???

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