
So today i had this strange dream now what does it mean???

by  |  earlier

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it all started with a fat women on my bed she was wearing a read causual like sweater and some jeans so would try to grab on me every time i got near her.At almost a foot of my bath room doos like a big place and people were walking and passing by then i looked up i saw a little girl staring at me i think she was a sprit and she was mad when she looked at me and she disappered when someone passed by.And then suddenly i ended up in the living room with the same lady that was my bed we didn't do nothing but just stand and then an other i saw said my name she was a white little girl with red hair and with a little bit of masscara on with blue eyes and a colorful necklace with a cloth like white bikini on and she wanted me to bath her that is what she said.




  1. When you see fat people in your dream it means you dont worry that much. Since this ghost girl was talking, that means you are deluding yourself in real life. Since she was wearing white this means you will have good health. That colorful necklace stands for your family and how they are all different, which means a divorce or marriage is coming your way. This girl with the red hair could have been some old childhood friend of yours when you were little. She might have stuck with you in your subconisious. Hope that helped

  2. The fat women represents the negative feelings you have about yourself. You don't say if the women grabbing you bothers you or not. Positive homosexuality, in a dream, means that you are very comfortable with yourself  and have a high self-esteem. Negative homosexuality in a dream means the opposite, that you have low self-esteem and aren't sure of yourself, or question yourself a lot. The two little girls in the dream signify that you have felt this way since you were younger. The one in the white bikini represents the negative feelings you have/had about yourself and that you feel really exposed. (Possibly that you were abused or felt used as a child). The one little girl being mad at you could represent the negative way you feel about yourself and the way you think others feel about you, that they are not real happy about you.

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