
So tomorrow I am going to go to children's home and do physical therapy....?

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It's just a job shadow. I am 16. I want to work with people and help people in some way for my career. I feel uneasy around children with problem, I do manage a smile, but I'm thinking....when I see the children tomorrow...what can I do to make myself seem more comfortable and happy? I would love to talk to the child...but I feel weird talking to the child. I have no idea why.

Please help?

I love the children, don't get me wrong...I just feel weird and don't want to come off as weird.




  1. Don't treat the child "special."  Trust me, that's just about the worst thing you could do.  Treat him or her like any other child.  It's understandable that you're nervous, as it's your first time.  However, if you still are uneasy after a few appointments, you really should rethink your career choice.  If you're uneasy around children with "problems" (as a side note, you may want to ask the person you're shadowing about correct terminology, because they way you described the child isn't considered appropriate), then PT would really not be a good career choice.  Good luck.

  2. Try the best you can to see them for who they are, try not to obsess on what they can't do, and focus on what they CAN do. I know they are different, and sometimes we can feel uncomfortable but you're going to have to get over it if you want this career. I think as time goes on, and you see these children laugh and interact with others you'll start to feel better.

    Just do the best you can. Good luck.

  3. First, good for you for doing your shadowing.  Second, it's somewhat normal at your age to feel these feelings, and it's good that you recognize that they need to change.  Exposure is one of the best ways to do this.  This will be a chance for you to learn and grow as a person.  

    ...sometimes finding common ground with children is helpful for communicating with them.  What games are children playing in your area, what are popular books, what music are the kids in your area listening to?  Most of these kids enjoy similar things that able bodied children enjoy. Having something to talk about can make both of you more comfortable.  

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