
So...voss is new coach. will it work?

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hes had no experience and will be coaching guys hes played with.




  1. ...

  2. Wow... this has all been decided within two days!

    I feel that Brisbane have been very hasty in appointing Vos as coach given the fact that he has had no coaching experience. Its odd that they would replace an experienced and successful coach like Leigh Matthews with someone who hasnt even coached at a grass roots level.

    It might have been wiser to appoint Justin Leppisch (who has been Matthews assistant) as senior coach, and put Vos in an assisting role until he is more experienced.

    Anyway, best of luck to Vossy! He is passionate about the Lions if nothing else and he seems like a top bloke!

  3. Voss Smoss.

  4. Good luck to him, but i think he will regret it without previous experience, he should have gone to wce first, bad move voss.

    Hope all is well :)

  5. Not sure if it is the right move to get a completely untried coach. Time will tell I guess!!! I also think it would be pretty hard coaching people that you have played recently with. Though they are al professionals.


  6. I think that the Lions may have rushed their decision of appointing Voss as the new coach. I'm very surprised that they have decided on Voss in a matter of days. I thought that the job at West Coast suited Vossy better, and it would have prepared him better for a senior coaching job. He should have worked as an assistant coach before jumping straight into a head coaching role. I personally don't think he will last long, but that's my opinion.

    Good luck to him!

  7. It might work, it might not.  Personally I'm hoping that it will work as I wanna see the Lions winning premierships again (I miss the 01-03 era soooooooooo much).  He does have some coaching experience at the AIS so hopfully he can make it work at top AFL level.

  8. I'm with Louise and Lozz on this one. Indecent haste in this case. How can a club go past the blokes who have been supporting Leigh Matthews all along, and just drop Voss into the job? There are bound to be troubles arising from this in the longer term. Could be that Leigh's assistants will go elsewhere. What has Voss got to offer anyway? A great player doesn't always translate into a great or even adequate coach.

  9. no way

    great player

    i dont think he has ever coached

  10. He has been Leigh Matthews trainee apprentice for years he must of learned some thing from the master coach.

    I am glad the Eagles let him go he has been a great servant of the Lions and deserves to be their coach also I think the players will respect him like the Eagles did with Woosha.

    At least he is giving it a go and I wish him well.

  11. **I would have thought that he should have worked as an Assistant Coach for a couple of seasons to give him some coaching experience before taking on any senior role.

    I guess time will tell how good he is at coaching and whether or not it'll work.  

    I'm surprised that Brisbane have made such a big decision in such a short period of time.  They can't have spent much time interviewing other applicants.  It's as though Voss has walked in for an interview and they've just given it to him.**

  12. I agree with the guys above.

    He only just finished playing with them, he is unproven, and he is replacing a brilliant coach... Is he really going to be able to keep the team together? I think the lions will fall next season, I tip them to finish alot lower than this year.

  13. It's entirely possible that it could work, only time will tell.

  14. Yeah it will.

    BUT IM SO ANGRY hes not coming to west coast now, its pathetic how west coast dont get him he really would have contributed!

  15. No way. he appointed too quickly with no experience. Prob more a of a marketing gimmick than anything. I'm also not sure if brisbane have bottomed out yet or a still on the way to bottoming out. He could have a few tough years ahead of him.  

  16. Michael Voss is one of the best players of the last decade, a brilliant leader and encourager of new talent.

    there has been a lot of chat about the suddenness of the appointment, which I think is a mirage - this has been developing for ages and I

    wonder how much the situation has contributed to Jon Brown's hesitation to re-sign?

    Re the assistants getting the inside running: some people are designed by nature to be head honcho and some are not. At Essendon, while the jury is still out on whether Knights was the right choice, it was certain that Mark Harvey was not - and he went off to coach the dockers, who may need something different perhaps?

    All in all, yes, I think Brisbane are extremely fortunate to have a leader of the quality of Voss. I only wish that Hird was in similar place at Essendon!  

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